
How To Improve Your Decision Making With Increased Awareness

How To Improve Your Decision Making With Increased Awareness

Introduction: All individuals encounter challenges that demand decision-making. The distinction between success and failure lies in our awareness and approach to these challenges. Obsessing over outcomes generates undue stress, often perceived as worrying, and can lead us down a path of negative anticipation, limiting our view to a binary choice and potential failure. The Peril of Contracted Awareness: Contracted awareness, or a reactive mindset, lays the groundwork for decisions stemming from fear, doubt, and worry, leaving us susceptible to making choices based on negative emotions. It emphasizes problems and the worst possible outcomes, rather than potential solutions and positive possibilities. Examples of situations bred by reduced awareness include expecting the worst, acting impulsively, clinging to fear, playing the victim role, obsessing over control, disregarding sound advice, and ignoring underlying intentions. Overcoming Reduced Awareness: Acknowledging the existence of reduced awareness and its limiting perspective is the first step towards empowerment and accessing the universe’s boundless possibilities. We must delve within and explore our emotional sphere, recognizing the emotions triggered by our decisions and honoring them. Elevate Your Awareness: 1. Analyze Your Awareness State: 2. Ascend to the Solution Level: 3. Embrace Scenario Ambiguity: The Harmony of Awareness and Decision-Making: By engaging with life and ourselves with complete awareness, we foster a decision-making environment where each choice, whether leading to success or a learning opportunity, enriches our experience and understanding. Embrace the ambiguity and uncertainty inherent in each situation, recognizing the possibility of growth and learning in every decision made. The journey of awareness and improved decision-making, enveloped in self-honesty and expanded perspective, paves the way for unceasing personal and professional development. Conclusion: In the realm of complete awareness, every decision contributes to growth and enlightenment, translating into consistent win-win outcomes. The true essence of successful decision-making intertwines with total self-awareness, understanding our emotional dynamics, and acknowledging the boundless possibilities beyond the binary scope of right or wrong. As we traverse the path of life’s challenges, let us carry the lantern of awareness, illuminating the trail of informed decisions, learning, and incessant growth. ~ Wishing You Success and Enhanced Awareness!

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How to Work With Your Energy to Get More Done in Less Time

How to Work With Your Energy to Get More Done in Less Time

Boosting your productivity isn’t just about pushing harder; it’s about working smarter. Traditional methods often have us battling against our own natural rhythms, which can lead to burnout and inefficiency. What if we could tap into our inherent energy patterns to achieve more, in less time and with greater joy? Let’s dive into how aligning our tasks with our energy levels can radically enhance both our efficiency and our job satisfaction. Understanding Your Energy, Not Fighting It Ever feel like you’re swimming upstream in your workday? That’s probably because you are. The old-school grind of fighting through tiredness or a lack of inspiration is not only outdated but also counterproductive. Forcing output when our energy flags often results in lackluster results that require later revision—wasting even more time and energy. The Power of Natural Rhythms Your energy isn’t constant; it ebbs and flows throughout the day in waves we can predict and utilize. For instance, the grogginess of ‘sleep inertia’ in the early morning and the post-lunch sluggishness are not periods for high-stakes decision-making or creative innovation. Instead, these are times when our bodies are naturally geared down. Strategize Your Day Around Energy Peaks and Valleys Rather than battling your body’s natural tendencies, why not work with them? Schedule your most demanding tasks during your personal high-energy peaks. Use lower-energy times for routine or administrative tasks that don’t require intense focus. This way, you align your work demands with your body’s natural inclinations, which means better outcomes with less effort. Putting It Into Practice Start by tracking your energy levels for a few days. Note when you feel most alert and when you drag. Shift your work tasks around based on these patterns. Tackle complex projects when you feel most vibrant and save those tedious, less engaging tasks for your low-energy phases. The Benefits Are Clear This approach not only boosts your productivity but also makes the work process more enjoyable. You’ll find yourself completing tasks quicker and more effectively, with far less time spent redoing poor work. This alignment of energy and task not only maximizes output but enhances satisfaction. True productivity comes from working in harmony with your natural energy states, not struggling against them. By recognizing and respecting your body’s rhythms, you can work smarter, not harder, leading to not only better results but a more fulfilling professional life. Join Our Journey Interested in tapping deeper into your energy potential? Sign up for our free email course on maximizing productivity by aligning your work with your energy levels. Transform how you work, feel, and achieve each day.

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How To Overcome The Top 7 Mental Blocks for Success

How To Overcome The Top 7 Mental Blocks for Success

Introduction Often, the biggest barrier to achieving success is not external factors but oneself. Overcoming these self-imposed barriers is crucial for personal and professional growth. Let’s explore and expand on the seven common mental roadblocks and provide strategies for overcoming them. 1. Doubt The cycle of doubt can be paralyzing and self-perpetuating. When you doubt your abilities, it’s challenging to gain others’ confidence in your capabilities. How to Overcome: Work on building your self-confidence. Create a list of your strengths and achievements to refer to whenever doubt creeps in. This self-affirmation can fortify your belief in your abilities, making it easier to persuade others to believe in you too. 2. Fear of Failure Fear of failure can halt progress and innovation. Many view failure negatively, whereas it should be seen as a learning opportunity. How to Overcome: Redefine your perception of failure. View it as a mentor, guiding you to explore alternative paths to success. Understanding that failure often precedes success can change your approach and make you more resilient. 3. Fear of Success Some fear the change and perceived negatives success might bring, including the loss of comfort zones or assumed personality shifts. How to Overcome: Challenge these fears by visualizing the positive impacts of success on your life. Understand that success does not inherently change your core values or personality, and any changes can be controlled and directed positively. 4. Lack of Self-Belief Without believing in yourself, achieving your goals becomes a daunting task as you lack the necessary motivation and drive. How to Overcome: Regularly set and achieve small goals. This practice will build your confidence and reinforce your belief in your abilities to tackle larger objectives. 5. Getting Too Emotional Excessive emotion can cloud judgment and lead to poor decisions. How to Overcome: Practice mindfulness or other emotional regulation techniques. These tools can help you to remain calm and think logically in challenging situations. 6. Making Things Too Complicated Overcomplication and overthinking can stall progress, causing simple problems to appear larger and more intricate than they are. How to Overcome: Focus on breaking down problems into manageable parts and seek simple solutions first. Remember that the most effective solution is often the most straightforward one. 7. Thinking Inside the Box Limited, conventional thinking can prevent the discovery of innovative solutions to problems. How to Overcome: Encourage creativity and unconventional thinking. Regularly practice brainstorming sessions, and don’t dismiss any idea as too “out there.” Often the most unusual ideas can lead to the most innovative solutions. Conclusion Breaking down these mental blocks is essential for paving the path to your success. Implement these strategies to overcome personal barriers, ensuring a smoother, more confident journey towards achieving your goals and aspirations.

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What Dogs Teach Us In Biz

What Your Dog Can Teach You About Business

If you think about the way we describe life as a dog: “It’s a dog’s life,” “I’ve been working like a dog,” “It’s a dog-eat-dog world,” and “They treat me like a dog,” to name a few. You’d think they have horrible lives… The fact is, if they’re not mistreated, dogs actually have great lives. Not only that, they’re usually way better at their jobs and happier about their lives than we humans are! No, I’m not smoking something, at least not today. I’m serious. I’ve had dogs most of my life. I’ve been trained by some of the best dog trainers around before I became a trainer myself. Yes, I know how that sounds, but the truth is, training dogs is more about training their owners than the dogs. Anybody can give a dog commands, but without the proper confidence, demeanor, compassion, etc. the dog may choose not to listen. If that sounds at all similar to training managers so employees are more effective, then you’re beginning to see the analogy. In fact, there are lots of business and life lessons we can learn from dog behavior and our relationships with “man’s best friend”. Dogs know the secret to personal productivity. They get tons of rest, yet they’re highly productive. If you need them, they’re there – bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. That’s because they’re incredibly focused and disciplined. Dogs know their priorities and they stick to them. They keep it simple and they’re happier as a result. Entitled dogs are more trouble than they’re worth.  Spoiled dogs can be whiny, manipulative, over-protective and aggressive. If they don’t get what they want – what they’re used to getting – they act out.  Entitled people often do the same thing. They behave badly and are much less productive than their counterparts. In a hierarchical relationship, the Alphadog is always a compelling, compassionate, and confident manager who can lead his/her employees. Most dogs love to work and serve. The bond between man and canine evolved as a symbiotic working relationship. There’s actually an entire class of “working dogs” that includes Shepherds, Rottweilers, Boxers and Mastiffs. They’re at their best when they’re put to a task and can be anxious when they think they’re not needed. The problem is that owners are often lousy leaders that don’t communicate what they want their dogs to do. The same issue can arise in business. You may have some hard-working employees, but unless they know the tasks to complete to be most effective, they’re not productive. Dogs don’t overextend themselves. People will often over-promise and under-deliver. Not dogs. They never bite off more than they can chew, so to speak. If you give them too large an area to guard or more work than they can handle, you’ll quickly notice signs of stress, noncompliance or other unwanted behavior. There’s no hubris or ego matters with dogs. They know what they can handle and will do just that. When they’ve been socialized, dogs have successful relationships. When dogs aren’t properly socialized or allowed to spend time out and about with other dogs and people, they can be anxious or aggressive when they interact. Usually this is based on fear and the unknown. People are often the same way. Troubled working and personal relationships are usually a sign of a troubled upbringing. Good leaders, or alphas, will always help with social integration and productive applications in a new environment. Dogs are direct and genuine. When they’re happy, they wag their tails. When they’re appreciative, they lick your face. If they feel bad, they drop their heads and may tuck their tails. When they want to play, they’ll get a toy and drop it at your feet or jump around spiritedly. If they feel threatened, their hair goes up or they may growl. Their communication is direct and genuine. There’s no drama, hidden agenda or passive-aggressive behavior, as with humans.  To become a good leader, or alpha in your workplace, learn to lead by example. Dogs don’t sweat the small stuff. Partly because they have short memories. If they’re chastened for doing something bad, as soon as you forgive them, they move on. It’s the same thing if you mistreat them. Say you’re sorry, scratch them behind the ears, give them some love and it’s like it never happened. They’re great at letting go and never hold grudges on things they can’t control. One way to implement this in your business or personal life is with the 5 by 5 rule. If it’s won’t matter in 5 years, then don’t spend more than 5 minutes upset by it. Owners usually misidentify the culprit. When dogs misbehave, people inevitably blame the dog. In reality, it’s almost always the owner’s fault (poor training, limited socializing, over-extended domain, no alpha/leadership presence).  It’s the same thing in the business world where 90 percent of problems are management-related. The only difference is drama…dogs never point their paws at each other or blame someone else for their behavior. Let me take this a step further… If you’re good with domesticated animals – I’m willing to bet you’d make an effective manager and have some true leadership potential. It’s at least worth the experience. If you don’t want to get a coach, try getting a dog and a trainer instead. You’ll be amazed what you will learn. As always, I’m here for questions, comments, concerns, as well as for coaching and additional training…just reach out! ~ Wishing you success!

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How To Overcome Fear By Turning Lions Into Kittens

How To Overcome Fear By Turning Lions Into Kittens

Exploring Fear with Examples: Ever rushed up the stairs in the dark, feeling like someone might be behind you? Or felt a chill going to the bathroom late at night, worried about the imaginary unknown? These irrational fears stem from our evolved psychology designed to keep us safe in a dangerous world. Evolved for Caution Our minds, like our bodies, evolved in a perilous environment. Early humans faced numerous threats, leading to the development of a risk-averse nature and an inclination for chronic stress. Our ancestors had to assume the worst to survive. The Ambiguity Issue Picture this: you’re in the wilderness, observing an animal silhouette against the horizon. Is it a harmless kitten or a dangerous lion? The safest bet is to assume it’s a lion and react for self-preservation. This survival instinct is still with us, even though we no longer face such clear and present dangers. Today’s threats are debts, illnesses, relationship problems, and career issues, replacing the lions of our past. The Power of Perspective But here’s the crux: overcoming fear is all about perspective and mindset. Viewing challenges as kittens rather than lions can help us remain calm and happy, even in difficult situations. It’s essential to reassess our situations, take control of our anxiety and stress, and realize that our fears might not be as threatening as they seem. Transforming Fear So, how do you turn lions into kittens and conquer fear? By evaluating why you’re scared and determining if the fear is justified. Consider contingency plans and coping strategies to handle the challenges effectively. Conclusion Remember, it’s all a matter of perspective. By changing your mindset, beliefs, thoughts, and feelings, you transform the reality you experience. Learn to see the kittens, not the lions, and watch your fears diminish and your courage soar. s perform worse and feel worse. How do you turn your situations into kittens and overcome fear? Simple: you assess exactly why you’re afraid and whether or not there really is a good reason for you to be. Likewise, you can look at contingency plans and coping mechanisms. Remember: it’s all just perspective. Change your mindset (beliefs, thoughts, feelings) and you change the reality that you experience! You can also check out our FREE Alphadog Awareness Mini Class HERE.

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