
The Power of The Mind: How Focus Can Change Your Life

The Power of the Mind: How Focus Can Change Your Life

Have you ever stopped to consider just how powerful your mind truly is? If you’re like most people, you’ve barely scratched the surface of what’s possible. The truth is, with the right mindset and focus, you can transform your entire reality. Sounds pretty incredible, right? Let’s dive into how you can harness this power to not only envision but actually achieve the life you’ve always dreamed of. Unlocking Your Mind’s Potential Why is it that some people seem to achieve everything they set their minds to, while others struggle? It’s all about how you use your mind. By learning to focus your thoughts and channel your energies towards your goals, you can turn the abstract into tangible achievements. It starts with clarity—knowing exactly what you want. What are your aspirations? What do you wish to accomplish? Once you have a clear picture, the next step is visualization. Imagine yourself succeeding, reaching those milestones, and living the life you desire. Visualization isn’t just daydreaming; it’s a focused exercise that primes your brain to recognize and pursue the opportunities needed to make your dreams a reality. The Foundation of Self-Belief Self-doubt is a goal killer. To move forward, you must believe in your potential to succeed. Have you ever noticed how doubt tends to creep in just when you’re about to take a big step? This is your mind trying to protect you from the unknown, but it’s also a barrier to success. Make a firm, conscious decision to believe in yourself. This is more than just pep talk; it’s about setting a foundational belief that you are capable of manifesting your desires. Action: The Bridge Between Dreams and Reality Knowing what you want and believing you can achieve it are crucial, but they’re nothing without action. Action is the bridge between desire and accomplishment. Every step you take towards your goals not only brings you closer to them but also builds the momentum necessary to push through challenges. How to Stay Razor-Focused in a World Full of Distractions Distractions are the thieves of time and focus. George Lucas once said, “Always remember, your focus determines your reality.” This is a profound truth in the journey toward personal success. What you concentrate on not only shapes your actions but also determines their quality and effectiveness. Simplifying Your Goals Do you feel overwhelmed by your ambitions? Are you trying to juggle too many goals at once? Start by simplifying. Narrow down your focus to a few key objectives that will make the most significant impact right now. Prioritizing is not about doing less; it’s about making the most of your efforts. Prioritizing Tasks Like a Pro Take a cue from successful figures like Alex Hormozi, who tackle only three critical tasks each day. This focused approach ensures that each task gets the attention it deserves and leads to better outcomes. If your goal is to build a successful YouTube channel, for example, prioritize tasks that will have the greatest impact—like content creation, editing, and engagement. The Power of Incremental Progress Albert Einstein famously compared life to riding a bicycle—to keep your balance, you must keep moving. This analogy beautifully captures the essence of progress. Whether big or small, every step forward is crucial. It’s about maintaining momentum and keeping your motivational fire lit. Action Without Overthinking One of the biggest hurdles to action is overthinking. Have you ever found yourself paralyzed by your thoughts? The key is to just start. Perfection can come later; what matters is the momentum. Celebrating Small Wins Every small victory is a building block to greater success. If your goal is to improve your health, start with short, manageable walks. Notice how each step makes you feel better and use that as motivation to continue expanding your efforts. Cultivating a Positive Mindset A positive mindset is your greatest ally in achieving success. It enables you to take risks, face challenges head-on, and attract better opportunities. By focusing on positive outcomes and viewing each setback as a learning opportunity, you cultivate resilience and a path towards achieving your goals. Why Focus Matters Ultimately, the power of the mind lies in its ability to focus. By directing your mental energies towards your goals, you set the stage for success. Remember, it’s not just about the destination but also enjoying and learning from the journey. So, what’s your next step? Will you allow distractions and doubts to dictate your path, or will you take control, focus on your goals, and step confidently towards your future? The choice is yours, and it starts now. Why not take that first step today?

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The Practical Guide to Understanding PLR and MRR Licenses

Hey there, brilliant minds! Today, we’re diving into the practical world of PLR (Private Label Rights) and MRR (Master Resale Rights) content. Whether you’re a savvy marketer, a content creator, or just stepping into the vast digital landscape, understanding PLR licenses can be a total game-changer for your business. If you’ve ever found yourself stuck staring at a blank screen, PLR might just be the “shortcut” you’ve been looking for. Maybe you want to start your own business and have seen a lot of the Master Resell Rights (MRR) courses and products that promise a simple starting point. But before you dive into the PLR pool, it’s crucial to understand the different licenses involved and how each one can serve your unique needs. So, let’s break it down and make sense of these options, shall we? What Exactly is PLR? First off, PLR content is pre-created material that you can buy the rights to use, change, and, often, claim as your own. It’s like having a ghostwriter or a silent contributor who’s cool with you taking all the credit. Pretty sweet, right? The Types of PLR Licenses You must understand the different between all the PLR licenses. Pay attention to what is allowed at each level. This is key to using content effectively without stepping on any legal toes. Here’s the scoop on the most common types of licenses: Private Label Rights (PLR) What You Get: The freedom to alter, add to, and rebrand the content. You can even put your name on it as if you whipped it up yourself. What’s Not Allowed: The restrictions depend on the seller, but typically, you cannot resell the rights to someone else. Ideal For: Creating branded ebooks, courses, or articles for your blog that feel tailor made. Resell Rights (RR) What You Get: You can sell the product to others and keep 100% of the profits. You may not change the product. You cannot alter or edit the content. It’s a take-it-as-it-is option. Ideal For: Anyone looking to add new products to their digital shop without the hassle of creating something from scratch. Master Resell Rights (MRR) What You Get: Not only can you sell the product, but you can also pass along the resell rights to your customers. What’s Not Allowed: Typically, like RR, you cannot change the original content. Ideal For those who want to provide more value to their customers, allowing them to resell the product too. Benefits of Using PLR Why everyone should use PLR content? Here’s why it’s a potential savior for many entrepreneurs and content creators: Improved efficiency. Save a tremendous amount of time and energy. PLR content is ready to go–you just need to tweak it to fit your brand’s voice and style. Save yourself a little money and time. Hiring writers or content creators can be expensive. Creating everything yourself, from scratch, can take up a lot of your time. PLR offers a budget-friendly alternative that keeps your content pipeline flowing. With a little creativity, you can unlock infinite potential with unrestricted products. When you’re free to edit or transform the content, the possibilities are endless. Adapt it to create newsletters, social media posts, courses, or even marketing materials. Choosing the Right PLR License When shopping for PLR content, consider how you plan to use it. If customization and branding are important, go for full PLR. If you simply need products to resell, RR or MRR might be right up your alley. Always read the license terms—trust me, it’s crucial to know what you can and can’t do! Wrap-Up In the vast ocean of digital content, PLR is like having a speedboat. It gets you where you need to go faster, allowing you to focus on steering your business towards greater success. Whether you’re looking to save time, cut costs, or streamline content creation, PLR can propel you forward. Make sure you pay attention to what the license permits. So, go ahead, give PLR a shot and watch how it can transform your content strategy while freeing up your precious time. Let’s make magic happen with less stress and more creativity. Cheers to smart solutions and even smarter implementations!

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A Comprehensive Guide to Achieving True Happiness

5 Proven Methods To Help You Feel More Happiness

Understanding the Meaning of Happiness Happiness is a subjective concept that is often misunderstood. It is a state of mind that is characterized by positive emotions, contentment, and satisfaction. However, many people equate happiness with material possessions, success, and social status, which can lead to disappointment, stress, and anxiety. Therefore, it is essential to understand the true meaning of happiness and how it can be achieved. The Science of Happiness Happiness is not a random event, but a result of conscious effort and deliberate action. Scientists have extensively studied the factors that contribute to happiness, such as genetics, personality traits, social relationships, and life experiences. By understanding these factors, we can develop strategies to enhance our happiness levels and improve our quality of life. The Five Keys to Happiness Based on scientific research, we have identified the five keys to happiness that can help you achieve long-lasting contentment and fulfillment. Wrapping Up In conclusion, happiness is not an elusive or unattainable goal but a state of mind that can be cultivated through conscious effort and deliberate action. By understanding the science of happiness and following the five keys to happiness, you can achieve true contentment, fulfillment, and joy. We hope this comprehensive guide will provide valuable insights and help you on your journey towards happiness.

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Focus Blog Post

Hack Your Focus and Get More Stuff Done

Staying focused is quickly becoming one of the greatest challenges digital entrepreneurs face today. For example, you sit down to write an article and end up surfing the net for the rest of the morning … Or you’ve got an information product that you need to finish, but you check your email which leads to a news site, a sports site, a few entertainment sites, some social media sites and before you know it, it’s already 3 hours later and you’ve accomplished nothing except making yourself feel guilty. Does this sound familiar? According to Dr. B. J. Fogg, Director of Stanford Persuasive Lab, “There’s just one way to radically change your behavior, and that’s to radically change your environment.” Students who transfer to a new university are much more likely to change their habits than students who remain at the same university. This is true for workers as well. People who change jobs or change job locations are much more likely to also change their habits. It makes sense. Let’s say that at your previous job you were in the habit of going to a fast food restaurant with your coworkers for lunch. At your new job, your coworkers eat lunch at a healthy restaurant and invite you along. Soon you are eating healthy lunches every day, even on those days when you don’t go to that restaurant, because you’re now in the habit of eating healthful lunches. Enough time goes by, and fast food can even become repulsive to you. So what happened? Your environment changed and so did the triggers. This made it easy to effect a change. People who have trouble falling asleep are told to only use their bed for sleeping and for nothing else. If they lay down but they can’t fall asleep, they’re supposed to get up and go to another room. After treating their bed as only a sleep location (and not a reading location, a daydreaming location, etc.) for several weeks, they are generally able to fall asleep within minutes of their head hitting the pillow. The bed is now a trigger for just one thing – sleeping. This is why having one location to just work and another location to play is important. If you are mixing your ‘play’ time with your work time in the same home office, you’re asking to get constantly distracted. If you use a laptop or a tablet for work, this is easily remedied. Simply designate one place in your home where you will do nothing but work – no exceptions. If you work on a desktop computer, you might consider getting a laptop or tablet for your Internet ‘play’ time. Another technique is to designate certain times of the day when you are working, no exceptions. This will get you in the habit of always doing work during those times, and it will make it much more difficult to get distracted. Your work times then become routine, eliminating the need to decide each time if you’re going to work. And when you automatically go to work instead of ‘deciding’ to go to work, you eliminate the possibility that you will decide NOT to work. A third technique is to use triggers. For example, if you always start work right after finishing breakfast, it will become a habit to eat and go to work. You don’t have to think about it, you just do it. In one study, knowing exactly when and where participants were going to exercise caused them to follow through a whopping 91% of the time. Those who simply exercised when they felt motivated to do so exercised 35% of the time. Bottom line: If you’re having trouble staying focused, designate an area where you will do nothing but work, combine it with a strict schedule, and you should experience a dramatic increase in your productivity. When you get more done with less distractions, you’ll not only accomplish your goals faster – researchers tell us you’ll also enjoy increased self-esteem, greater happiness and larger over-all satisfaction with your life.

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Mindset Shifts For More Success

8 Simple Mindset Shifts That Will 10X Your Success

Your mindset controls your reality and shifting it is something that is ALWAYS within your power. So, when things feel slow, stagnant, or difficult, consider how you may be able to shift your perspective to a more empowing and success-oriented mindset. Mindset Shift 1: Time is precious. Firstly, our time is finite, but most of us live contradictory to that. Change your mindset around how you think about time. We waste years at jobs we hate, stay with people we’re not entirely happy with, and tolerate situations that don’t make us feel fulfilled. Remind yourself that time is your most precious resource. Mindset Shift 2: It all starts in the mind. All you have control over is your mindset. You can work to influence the world around you, but that strategy can have varying results. By learning to master the internal world you’ll then be able to influence your external reality and realize a far greater power. The change starts from within. Mindset Shift 3: Be Grateful. The benefits of gratitude are backed by science; it improves your well-being. Gratitude shifts the mind from “I need” or “I don’t have enough” to “I’m so happy” and “I have enough.” Most importantly, the effort to change this mindset is minimal, but the difference is monumental. By expressing gratitude, you’ll draw things to you that are alinged with this new through structure, attracting more things to be grateful for. Mindset Shift 4: Be Present. The ability to quietly be with yourself and be aware of what is occurring around you is a skill you have to work hard on. It will improve the quality of your mind. To be in the moment is a powerful experience full of benefits. Mindset Shift 5: Happiness is not in the material. We all intellectually believe that the quest for material goods will not make us happy over the long term. It was a lie sold to us, that even today, most still think material goods are the ultimate sign of success. They are not. Freedom is success – not stuff. Having money to experience that freedom is a necessary evil. Mindset Shift 6: Remember your WHY. When you’re working towards a big goal, figuring out your “why” is one of the most critical mindset shifts you need to cultivate. If you are struggling with motivation right now, lost your way, or are just starting out, this is the place to begin. With clarity around your “why,” your mindset will be primed for action. Mindset Shift 7: Make Failure Positive. It’s natural to see failure as negative; after all, you did something, and it wasn’t successful. However, you should see each failure as a valuable opportunity for personal growth. A chance to grow that will inevitably lead to more success in the future. Mindset Shift 8: Apply what you learn. Study – practice – teach is my philosophy. It is easy to consume large quantities of information and obtain knowledge. However, there’s very little connection between gathering knowledge and actual achievement. You need to make an effort to apply what you learn actively. As you apply this principle over time, it will become a part of you. Study the information, put it into practice, and teach others around you through your example of creating success in your life. ***To learn more about working with me as a coach – get in touch.

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ideal client

How Your Ideal Client Saves Your Time And Money

Why is an Ideal Client important? One of the most fundamental aspects of your marketing, product development and business plan is knowing who your ideal client is. Without this knowledge, you won’t know how to write your content in a way that’s attractive to your clients, and you won’t be able to tailor your products or services to their unique needs. When I talk about content I mean everything that you develop for your clients or potential clients to draw them to you and help you solve the problems that they face in their everyday lives, so everything hinges on this. When you know who your ideal clients are, your client attraction efforts will become vastly more effective, because you’ll be able to pinpoint what they want, what challenges they have, where they’re looking for information about your industry, and what trends and mindsets influence the way they search for products and choose who to buy from. In this blog post, I’ll bust some myths about having ideal clients that cost businesses thousands of dollars each year, and I’ll tell you the nine things you need to know about your ideal client, as well as how to choose your ideal client if you aren’t sure who they are. Why some businesses avoid having ideal clients: One of the costliest myths that businesses fall for is the idea that they don’t need an ideal client. Some of their reasons seem sound, but they’re based on misconceptions about what clients want and how client attraction works. Here are two of the reasons why people fall into that trap: Reason 1: They’re afraid of driving clients away. If you could potentially target a wide range of different demographics, why would you want to alienate some of them by narrowing your niche? That’s a fear that many business owners have when they first start to consider identifying an ideal client. They believe that the wider the net they cast, the more clients they’ll draw in. Reason 2: Their product could be used by anyone. Some businesses could, in theory, serve almost any client under the sun. Life coaches who teach universal success principles that apply to anyone, chiropractors who could work on anyone who has a spine, and businesses that sell food are all examples of people with a very broad potential audience. If you’re in such an industry, why would you want to narrow your client base? Why not having an ideal client WILL cost you: If you share these concerns about having an ideal client, here are four truths about client attraction that should put your mind at ease: What’s attractive to one client won’t be attractive to others. People are the most inclined to make a purchase when your marketing speaks to their exact challenges and needs. When someone looks at your offer, they should think “Yes – that’s EXACTLY what I need! It’s like that product was made for me!” If you try to create and sell offerings that are meant to apply to everyone, there’s a good chance that they’ll be partly applicable to everyone, but ideal for no one. Your clients will look at your offer and think, “Some of that looks good, but a lot of it just doesn’t apply to me”. If someone is motivated enough that they’re actively looking to buy, the chances are good that they’re looking for something in specific. An offer that’s only a partial match, or that seems to be designed with a different demographic in mind, will be rejected. One excellent example I’ve heard a few times is that of a pharmacy. If you try to sell an “everything pill”, will anybody trust it enough to buy it? Probably not – and even if they did, there’s a good chance that they wouldn’t think to look for it. If you have a headache, the chances are good that you’re looking for a pill designed to treat headaches. Unless you were already aware of the “everything pill” before your search began, it probably won’t even occur to you to look for it. You could walk right past it and not even register it. When you know exactly who your clients are, what they need, and what they struggle with, you’ll be able to create products and marketing materials that are exactly what they’re looking for, and you can learn their language and phrase your marketing in ways that appeal strongly to them. You don’t want to waste your time and budget on people who are less inclined to buy. Your ideal clients aren’t the ONLY people who will buy from you, but they are the people who are the most likely to make a purchase. If you were fishing, would you cast your line or drop your net repeatedly in random parts of the lake, or would you specifically target the areas where you knew you’d catch the most fish?  Would you use bait or a lure that’s good for all kinds of fish, or the ones that will attract the specific type of fish you’re looking to catch? The same principle applies to marketing. You’ll never have the time and budget to reach ALL the possible demographics at once, so you should spend that time and money on the demographic that needs and wants your product the most, and that’s the most likely to make a purchase. You don’t WANT to attract every type of client. Not every client is a good one, especially if you’re selling services as opposed to products. If you’re going to have to spend any amount of time working with a client, you don’t want to attract the kind of people who are lukewarm about your services, and who will drag their feet, complain, nitpick, make unreasonable demands, hamper your efforts, and prove impossible to please. You also don’t want to attract people who aren’t able to get the full benefit from your offering. If something outside of your control will prevent you from getting

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9 Steps To Building A Successful Business

9 Simple Steps To Build A Successful Business

Follow these nine simple steps to build a business more effectively, efficiently, and with less wasted time and money. Step #1 Get super clear on your BIG “Why” The most important secret to having a successful business is to be very clear about why you’re doing it. If you have a thorough understanding of what this business means to you on a personal level, it will motivate you and see you past the stressful times. Step #2 Have a solid, yet flexible plan You wouldn’t drive across country without a map. It’s even more important to chart your course when you’re starting your business. Of course, you need the traditional elements of a business plan like your company’s description products and services, strategy, market analysis, financial projections, etc. You also need to think about some other things like It’s critical to set very clear goals so that you know what you’re working toward in your business. Otherwise, it’s too easy to get distracted and lose sight of your goals. Step #3: Understand your numbers. Treat your business like a business and not an expensive hobby. You’re in business to make money. You started your business to do what you love, but you have to remember that you can’t accomplish any of it unless you’re bringing in cash. Your numbers don’t lie. Either you’re bringing in cash which means you’re making more than you’re spending, or you need to make some changes. You might need to change your prices, increase your marketing, cut some expenses, or rethink your products and services. Know how much money you want to be making each year. Divide that by 12 and you have your monthly goal. Be smart about where your expenses are going. Will you get a clear benefit from the money you spend? Step #4: Don’t reinvent the wheel. Drew says that he’s always been a big believer in shortcuts. If someone else has already done something that he wants to do, he will model what they’ve done for himself. He doesn’t have to start from scratch – research others in your field, study their companies and model that behavior. Research successful people in general – success is success. Here are some timeless principles of success: For Drew, working with a coach or self and being part of a mastermind group has helped him build a business. This might or might not be the best strategy for you. Decide what is best for you based on your own personal needs, what motivates you, and what conditions will set you up for success. Step #5: Focus, focus, and more focus. A successful business requires intensive labor and focus. You will need to cut out of your life anything that is not moving you in the direction of your vision. Exactly what that is you decide in your own personal life, but anything non-essential has to go. In a corporate job you’re basically paid for putting in hours. As an entrepreneur, it’s all about results. Excellent time management is critical. You may need to build a support system with your spouse or your parents or housecleaner or babysitter or personal assistant. You might want to shop online or use a grocery delivery service. Look at all your current activities to see where you can find some extra time to devote to your business. A lack of time is really a lack of priorities. Revisit your ‘why’ statement, then take another look at your priorities. Make sure you’re focusing on the tasks that are delivering your results. Step #6: Get comfortable with self-promotion. In order to be successful with your product or service, people have to be able to find you. As an entrepreneur, marketing must be your top focus, especially in the beginning. You need to get out there and market yourself based on a solid, well thought out strategy. Marketing and sales is something you do for people – not to people – because you have the answer to their problem. An authentic way to market your business and sell your services is to demonstrate to potential customers that you do care and that you have a solution for them. You can get this point across to potential customers without being pushy. Here’s how Drew phrases it:“Just so you know, I’m here and I have the skills to help you stop struggling and to reach your business and lifestyle goals. So, if it feels right for you and you think that working together would be a good fit, I’d be more than happy to help.” Sounds like the right approach, doesn’t it? Step #7: Done is better than perfect. Drew calls himself a lifelong perfectionist, so he struggles with this one himself all the time. But he’s learned to let go a little because if he didn’t, he would still be in the pre-launch stage. He puts it this way:” Don’t let analysis paralysis hold you back. Just implement, implement, implement.” Take action, then take the next logical step, and continue to make forward momentum every day. If you’d like more on combatting perfectionism, check out this post: https://alphadogsuccess.com/blog/perfectionism-procrastination/ Step #8: Fail fast and forward. Sometimes the only way to know what will work and what won’t is through trial and error. Failure is an essential component to success. Successful people know this, and aim to fail quickly. The key is to learn from your mistakes very quickly and make the necessary adjustments. You need to course correct right away either by tweaking your approach or by taking a different route altogether. For instance, if enough people are not signing up for new a program, is it the copywriting that needs improvement? Is your page user-friendly? Do you need to edit your video? Is the pricing off? Nothing is permanent – especially in the online world. You can change things very quickly. As the head of your company, it’s your responsibility to do so and there’s no corporate red tape to cut through.

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Individuality birds

Embrace Your Unique Self And Build A Business Around YOU

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson And here’s another one…(not quite with the Emerson flair, but still quite eloquent): “You can’t fit a round peg into a square hole.” In the digital world, we’re more exposed to this than ever before! People online will tell you what to do. How to do it. When to do it. And are always happy to point out everything you’re “doing wrong”. They’ll tell you to get up two hours early and work on your business before work. Or set a timer for 30 minutes and work without distraction. Or enter a niche just because there is money there. They’ll tell you all sorts of things. And they’ll even get righteously indignant when you don’t do what they tell you to do. So now I’m going to tell you what to do. Seriously. Know yourself first. Yes, you can get round pegs into square holes, but it does a tremendous amount of damage to the round peg. If you like to sleep in until 10:00 am, then maybe that’s what you should do. You probably do your best work in the afternoon and evening anyway. If you have a flair for an odd niche, maybe you should find a way to monetize that, instead of going into a more popular and overcrowded field that everyone is telling you to enter. If you don’t like speaking to people in person, why are you buying that course on how to do marketing for local businesses? Figure out who you are and what you’re good at. Then build your business around YOU. For example, if you’re great at seeing the big picture and hate details, then focus on what needs to be done and have other people do the actual work through outsourcing. If you love to write but hate to deal with websites, have someone else set up and run your blog. If you hate writing but love talking, make a vlog instead of a blog. Or do a podcast. Or both. Just don’t do the thing you hate to do, because guess what? You cannot force yourself to do the things you don’t like for any real length of time. It just isn’t going to work. To be successful, figure out who you are and what you like. THEN figure out how to build a business around you, instead of trying to mold yourself to a business you simply aren’t suited to. “You have to remember the value of your individuality – that you have something special and different to offer that nobody else can.“ ~Wishing you success!Drew

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First Thing You Need to do to Become More Successful

The First Thing You Need To Do To Become More Successful

What is the first thing you need to do to become more successful? If you’re reading this, you’re probably thinking, “Okay, I will buy a book or I will sign up for some course.” Other people might think they have to find the right guru or mentor to help them achieve success. Those are important but you’re putting the cart before the horse if that’s your line of thought. There’s something more fundamental you need to do. There’s something more basic you need to attend to first. What am I talking about? I’m talking about beliefs. Pay attention to your mental inventory because until and unless you believe you can change, nothing will happen in your life. This is a powerful form of belief. This is the most important ingredient in the process of changing your results. You’re trying to become more successful, aren’t you? Obviously, if you’re not happy with the results you’re getting. There is the simple matter of changing your results. You want to be more successful but, you don’t automatically assume that you can change. Learn to embrace the possibility of change. Recognize its full features. Stare it in the eyes and let it in. Absorb it. Most people don’t go through this. They subconsciously assume that they can’t change. What happens? They buy book after book, sign up for course after course, take many steps, and end up with a lot of nothing. Why? They built their empire of change on a faulty foundation. It did not occur to them. Change cannot take place unless one truly believes that things could change. Did they truly believe they were worthy of success? No, they didn’t believe they had full authority and ownership of every aspect of their lives. Please understand that you should believe you can change because it is the key that turns the lock of that mental prison you’re in. You’re not locked in the past. Instead, the self-fulfilling prophecies playing out in your subconscious paralyze you and that becomes your future. You should analyze what you’re thinking and what you believe about yourself. If your beliefs are not completely in line with the reality that you want to produce, then you are wasting your time. What do you need to believe to become more successful? Start by believing you can change. Believing you can change means you can effect change all across your life by creating a change on the inside. This means greater power over your circumstances, greater power over your life, and greater power over your opportunities. Say to yourself, “I can change.” Now, repeat it again and again. After you’ve done that, I want you to come up with three solid examples when you decided to make a change. Most people can do this fairly easily because we are highly capable of change. If you want something basic, look at how you learned to ride a bicycle or drive a car. That is change. Why? Because at a certain point in time in your life’s history you did not know how to ride a bicycle, or drive a car. Then you decided that you wanted to learn, and believed that it was within your reach, then you made it happen. Find that point where you switched from not knowing how to ride a bicycle to one who can ride a bicycle. Look for these monumental changes in your life. It doesn’t have to be big. You don’t have to be a hero. It doesn’t have to be overly grand or dramatic but once you base it on the truth of how you’ve changed in the past, it reinforces the means that you can change now. Are you ready to change? If you’re ready to take the next step in your life or business. If you’re ready to stop feeling stuck, insecure, anxious, not good enough, or any other self-deprecating belief…then check out this free email course, or consider signing up with a coach. In this journey with Drew Kairos, you will get access and learn mental frameworks, mind shifts, and powerful successful training needed to unleash a world-class, enlightened, high-impact, abundant, successful entrepreneur. ~Wishing you success!

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