success mindset

The Power of The Mind: How Focus Can Change Your Life

The Power of the Mind: How Focus Can Change Your Life

Have you ever stopped to consider just how powerful your mind truly is? If you’re like most people, you’ve barely scratched the surface of what’s possible. The truth is, with the right mindset and focus, you can transform your entire reality. Sounds pretty incredible, right? Let’s dive into how you can harness this power to not only envision but actually achieve the life you’ve always dreamed of. Unlocking Your Mind’s Potential Why is it that some people seem to achieve everything they set their minds to, while others struggle? It’s all about how you use your mind. By learning to focus your thoughts and channel your energies towards your goals, you can turn the abstract into tangible achievements. It starts with clarity—knowing exactly what you want. What are your aspirations? What do you wish to accomplish? Once you have a clear picture, the next step is visualization. Imagine yourself succeeding, reaching those milestones, and living the life you desire. Visualization isn’t just daydreaming; it’s a focused exercise that primes your brain to recognize and pursue the opportunities needed to make your dreams a reality. The Foundation of Self-Belief Self-doubt is a goal killer. To move forward, you must believe in your potential to succeed. Have you ever noticed how doubt tends to creep in just when you’re about to take a big step? This is your mind trying to protect you from the unknown, but it’s also a barrier to success. Make a firm, conscious decision to believe in yourself. This is more than just pep talk; it’s about setting a foundational belief that you are capable of manifesting your desires. Action: The Bridge Between Dreams and Reality Knowing what you want and believing you can achieve it are crucial, but they’re nothing without action. Action is the bridge between desire and accomplishment. Every step you take towards your goals not only brings you closer to them but also builds the momentum necessary to push through challenges. How to Stay Razor-Focused in a World Full of Distractions Distractions are the thieves of time and focus. George Lucas once said, “Always remember, your focus determines your reality.” This is a profound truth in the journey toward personal success. What you concentrate on not only shapes your actions but also determines their quality and effectiveness. Simplifying Your Goals Do you feel overwhelmed by your ambitions? Are you trying to juggle too many goals at once? Start by simplifying. Narrow down your focus to a few key objectives that will make the most significant impact right now. Prioritizing is not about doing less; it’s about making the most of your efforts. Prioritizing Tasks Like a Pro Take a cue from successful figures like Alex Hormozi, who tackle only three critical tasks each day. This focused approach ensures that each task gets the attention it deserves and leads to better outcomes. If your goal is to build a successful YouTube channel, for example, prioritize tasks that will have the greatest impact—like content creation, editing, and engagement. The Power of Incremental Progress Albert Einstein famously compared life to riding a bicycle—to keep your balance, you must keep moving. This analogy beautifully captures the essence of progress. Whether big or small, every step forward is crucial. It’s about maintaining momentum and keeping your motivational fire lit. Action Without Overthinking One of the biggest hurdles to action is overthinking. Have you ever found yourself paralyzed by your thoughts? The key is to just start. Perfection can come later; what matters is the momentum. Celebrating Small Wins Every small victory is a building block to greater success. If your goal is to improve your health, start with short, manageable walks. Notice how each step makes you feel better and use that as motivation to continue expanding your efforts. Cultivating a Positive Mindset A positive mindset is your greatest ally in achieving success. It enables you to take risks, face challenges head-on, and attract better opportunities. By focusing on positive outcomes and viewing each setback as a learning opportunity, you cultivate resilience and a path towards achieving your goals. Why Focus Matters Ultimately, the power of the mind lies in its ability to focus. By directing your mental energies towards your goals, you set the stage for success. Remember, it’s not just about the destination but also enjoying and learning from the journey. So, what’s your next step? Will you allow distractions and doubts to dictate your path, or will you take control, focus on your goals, and step confidently towards your future? The choice is yours, and it starts now. Why not take that first step today?

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Unlocking Your Potential: The Magic of the Raikov Effect

Have you ever imagined stepping into the shoes of someone incredibly successful and absorbing their genius like a sponge? What if I told you that such a transformation isn’t just the stuff of fantasy, but a real possibility? Welcome to the world of the Raikov Effect, a fascinating brain hack that has captured the imaginations of many seeking personal growth and mastery. What is the Raikov Effect? The Raikov Effect dates back to the 1970s, discovered by Dr. Vladimir Raikov. This intriguing technique involves a form of deep trance identification, which allows individuals to “become” someone else—in their mind—to enhance their abilities, skills, and thinking. It’s like temporarily stepping into the mind and persona of a genius, say Einstein or Mozart, and borrowing their perspectives, insights, and confidence. How Does It Work? The process is captivating yet straightforward. It starts with deep relaxation or hypnosis, guiding you into a state where your subconscious mind becomes extraordinarily receptive. From there, you imagine embodying a person you admire—a leader in your field, a historical figure, or even a mentor. You envision yourself possessing their skills and living out their success. The idea is to “act as if” you are this person, experiencing their expertise as your own. Dr. Raikov’s original experiments were profound. He would have a student, say a music student, embody the persona of a great musician. Students often reported enhanced musical abilities and a deeper understanding of their craft, effects that were both immediate and striking. Why It’s More Than Just Make-Believe What makes the Raikov Effect so much more than a simple exercise in pretend? It taps into the power of suggestion and the mind’s ability to emulate qualities and traits once they are vividly imagined and internalized. This technique leverages the brain’s neuroplasticity, enhancing one’s mental landscape by practicing and adopting heightened cognitive functions. It’s literally a shortcut to unlocking greater clarity, skill, and personality traits without the hassle of continually fighting yourself in creating new habits or building those skills manually. Real World Applications Imagine you’re a public speaker who needs to captivate large audiences but struggles with stage fright. By invoking the Raikov Effect, you could envision yourself as a confident and charismatic speaker, such as Tony Robbins or Simon Sinek. You would not only visualize performing with their confidence but also adopt their body language, tone of voice, and even their thought processes. Or, let’s say you are a writer experiencing the dreaded writer’s block. You could channel the spirit of a prolific writer, like J.K. Rowling, allowing you to tap into a flow state that you couldn’t previously access on your own. Is the Raikov Effect for You? This technique is not just for artists or public figures. It’s for anyone who seeks personal development and a transformative shift in their mindset. Whether you’re a student, a professional, or someone passionate about personal hobbies, the Raikov Effect offers a tool to harness the traits you admire in others and actualize your potential. Embrace the Possibilities The beauty of the Raikov Effect lies in its simplicity and the limitless possibilities it offers. It encourages us to think big, challenge our self-imposed limits, and explore the potential of our minds. So, why not give it a try? Dive deep into the essence of those you admire and watch as you begin to embody the excellence you seek. After all, in the vast landscape of the mind, the only limits that truly exist are the ones we place upon ourselves. Let’s break those boundaries and soar to new heights together! *No tricks just honesty, there is an affiliate link in this post. If you click and make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you.

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Mindset Shifts For More Success

8 Simple Mindset Shifts That Will 10X Your Success

Your mindset controls your reality and shifting it is something that is ALWAYS within your power. So, when things feel slow, stagnant, or difficult, consider how you may be able to shift your perspective to a more empowing and success-oriented mindset. Mindset Shift 1: Time is precious. Firstly, our time is finite, but most of us live contradictory to that. Change your mindset around how you think about time. We waste years at jobs we hate, stay with people we’re not entirely happy with, and tolerate situations that don’t make us feel fulfilled. Remind yourself that time is your most precious resource. Mindset Shift 2: It all starts in the mind. All you have control over is your mindset. You can work to influence the world around you, but that strategy can have varying results. By learning to master the internal world you’ll then be able to influence your external reality and realize a far greater power. The change starts from within. Mindset Shift 3: Be Grateful. The benefits of gratitude are backed by science; it improves your well-being. Gratitude shifts the mind from “I need” or “I don’t have enough” to “I’m so happy” and “I have enough.” Most importantly, the effort to change this mindset is minimal, but the difference is monumental. By expressing gratitude, you’ll draw things to you that are alinged with this new through structure, attracting more things to be grateful for. Mindset Shift 4: Be Present. The ability to quietly be with yourself and be aware of what is occurring around you is a skill you have to work hard on. It will improve the quality of your mind. To be in the moment is a powerful experience full of benefits. Mindset Shift 5: Happiness is not in the material. We all intellectually believe that the quest for material goods will not make us happy over the long term. It was a lie sold to us, that even today, most still think material goods are the ultimate sign of success. They are not. Freedom is success – not stuff. Having money to experience that freedom is a necessary evil. Mindset Shift 6: Remember your WHY. When you’re working towards a big goal, figuring out your “why” is one of the most critical mindset shifts you need to cultivate. If you are struggling with motivation right now, lost your way, or are just starting out, this is the place to begin. With clarity around your “why,” your mindset will be primed for action. Mindset Shift 7: Make Failure Positive. It’s natural to see failure as negative; after all, you did something, and it wasn’t successful. However, you should see each failure as a valuable opportunity for personal growth. A chance to grow that will inevitably lead to more success in the future. Mindset Shift 8: Apply what you learn. Study – practice – teach is my philosophy. It is easy to consume large quantities of information and obtain knowledge. However, there’s very little connection between gathering knowledge and actual achievement. You need to make an effort to apply what you learn actively. As you apply this principle over time, it will become a part of you. Study the information, put it into practice, and teach others around you through your example of creating success in your life. ***To learn more about working with me as a coach – get in touch.

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Focus is the most powerful magnet for success

Focus on The Most Powerful Magnet for Success (or Failure)

“You can’t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.” ~ Mark Twain Remember old fashioned cameras (or any that weren’t in your phone)? They had intricate lenses you had to focus by hand. The process was very precise and technical and your results were 100% determined by… …what you focused on. If you didn’t get the results you wanted, it was because the lens wasn’t focused properly. One little tic to the right or left and you would’ve had the perfect shot. Right? The good news about that is that you had the power to shift the focus (and the result) of the image. Today I’d like to explore something that you can do, just like shifting the focus point on a camera… …to shift the results of your life. We all want the “tack sharp” beautiful, abundant, fulfilling life of our daydreams, right? Here’s how you get it: Focus ​​As many coaches and inspirational leaders so often say: “What you focus on determines your results.” And they are right. I’ve been using this principle in my life, very successfully, for decades. And I’ve seen it happen with other people, over and over again, with terrific results. In order to get what you want in life… …you must focus your mind toward what you want, and away from what you don’t want. Your brain is a very powerful magnet – and it operates like a search engine. It acts like a heat-seeking missile, drawing to you whatever it is you are focusing on. And the more energy, vibrancy, and passion you conjure up in your imagination… …the harder your brain works to make those thoughts your reality. Whatever you focus on most – the failure or the success, the love or the betrayal, the win or the loss – the more situations, people and resources you will attract to make the object of your focus a reality. The Science of Focus This isn’t just woo-woo, pie-in-the-sky thinking. There are scientific reasons and countless studies that prove this out. Your brain has a mechanism called the Reticular Activating System (RAS). The (RAS) is a bundle of nerves at your brainstem that filters out unnecessary information so the important stuff gets through. The RAS is the reason you learn a new word and then start hearing it everywhere. This is why you can tune out a crowd full of talking people, yet immediately snap to attention when someone says your name or something that at least sounds like it. It’s the reason you see BMWs everywhere, the moment you decide to buy a BMW. It’s why red flags go up when you sense something isn’t on the up-and-up. Or why you trip on the same pothole every time. It’s also the reason – if you focus too often on how hard something is – your brain automatically leaps to the obstacles and not the solutions. In effect…it attracts the obstacles, rather than the solutions. Training Your Brain As you can see, it’s very important that your mind leans toward what you want, toward resourceful thoughts and feelings that serve you, and away from those that quietly sabotage you. Bear in mind, “positive thinking” isn’t automatic or easy. It doesn’t come to us naturally. And there’s a scientific reason for that… In case you’re feeling bad about yourself for being “negative” too often. Our brain, since caveman days, had to be alert to potential dangers in order to survive. We evolved as a species by being highly aware of our surroundings. We were ingrained, for our very survival, to focus on the potentially negative… …to spend time, energy, and resources on potential dangers. This is why it’s so easy, so automatic, to focus on the negative things that may – or may not – happen in our lives. But this habit can be changed. You can retrain your brain, and make positive, resourceful thoughts and feelings become your automatic response. A side note: Don’t feel bad when you find yourself traveling down a dark tunnel of fears, doubts, and “what-ifs”. Your brain is pre-wired that way. But you can retrain your brain to lean in a new direction…toward the resourceful thoughts that serve you, instead of those that ultimately sabotage you. Keep using your Holosync, and be on the alert for negative thoughts and feelings. As soon as you recognize them, flip them over. Find the opposite feelings, the positive results, the great outcomes…and aim your brain on those things instead. You will find – with that same powerful magnet known as your brain that you’re automatically attracting good, abundant and beautiful things into your life.

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Individuality birds

Embrace Your Unique Self And Build A Business Around YOU

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson And here’s another one…(not quite with the Emerson flair, but still quite eloquent): “You can’t fit a round peg into a square hole.” In the digital world, we’re more exposed to this than ever before! People online will tell you what to do. How to do it. When to do it. And are always happy to point out everything you’re “doing wrong”. They’ll tell you to get up two hours early and work on your business before work. Or set a timer for 30 minutes and work without distraction. Or enter a niche just because there is money there. They’ll tell you all sorts of things. And they’ll even get righteously indignant when you don’t do what they tell you to do. So now I’m going to tell you what to do. Seriously. Know yourself first. Yes, you can get round pegs into square holes, but it does a tremendous amount of damage to the round peg. If you like to sleep in until 10:00 am, then maybe that’s what you should do. You probably do your best work in the afternoon and evening anyway. If you have a flair for an odd niche, maybe you should find a way to monetize that, instead of going into a more popular and overcrowded field that everyone is telling you to enter. If you don’t like speaking to people in person, why are you buying that course on how to do marketing for local businesses? Figure out who you are and what you’re good at. Then build your business around YOU. For example, if you’re great at seeing the big picture and hate details, then focus on what needs to be done and have other people do the actual work through outsourcing. If you love to write but hate to deal with websites, have someone else set up and run your blog. If you hate writing but love talking, make a vlog instead of a blog. Or do a podcast. Or both. Just don’t do the thing you hate to do, because guess what? You cannot force yourself to do the things you don’t like for any real length of time. It just isn’t going to work. To be successful, figure out who you are and what you like. THEN figure out how to build a business around you, instead of trying to mold yourself to a business you simply aren’t suited to. “You have to remember the value of your individuality – that you have something special and different to offer that nobody else can.“ ~Wishing you success!Drew

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Fear of taking action

How To Overcome a Fear of Taking Action

Fear of taking significant steps towards our dreams is a common experience we all share. It’s essential to understand that fear is a natural reaction to leaving our comfort zones. However, acknowledging fear is different from allowing it to immobilize us. To transition from fear to action, consider these strategies that can help you gain perspective and move forward effectively. Understanding Fear as an Emotion Fear, while intense and sometimes overwhelming, is just an emotion. It’s a relic from our ancestral past when physical dangers like predators were a real concern. Today, our fears are often psychological, rooted in concerns about social acceptance or financial stability. By recognizing that fear is an internal response rather than a reflection of external reality, we can start to diminish its power over our actions. Universal Experience of Fear Remember, you’re not alone in feeling fearful. Even the most successful people, like Tony Robbins, have faced fear of failure or judgment. This universal experience means that fear isn’t an insurmountable obstacle but a common hurdle that everyone encounters. When you feel fear creeping in, think of those you admire who have pushed through their fears to achieve great things. This realization can be a powerful motivator to act despite fear. Initiating Movement with Small Steps The hardest part of overcoming fear is often just getting started. Inspired by Newton’s 1st Law of Motion, taking the first small step can set the stage for continuous progress. This initial action, no matter how small, can shift your mindset from fear to empowerment, sparking a cycle of positive actions and outcomes. Once you start, the momentum you build will make the next steps easier and more exciting. Seeking Support When Needed If fear seems too daunting to tackle alone, it’s okay to seek support. Reach out to friends, family, or professionals who understand your goals and can provide encouragement. A simple conversation can offer new perspectives, alleviate fears, and strengthen your resolve to move forward. Having a support system can be incredibly reassuring, providing the extra push needed to take action. In conclusion, transforming fear into action requires self-awareness, understanding, and a willingness to take small, consistent steps towards your goals. Remember, fear is a common emotion that can be managed and overcome with the right strategies and support. Embrace the journey of personal growth and let your actions define your path to success.

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Do It Your Way: The Secret of Self Discipline

In order to achieve your future vision, you must have self discipline. With the proper approach, its easier to take directed action, regardless of your present emotional, psychological or physical state. It can be more difficult at certain times than others. That lifestyle can even seem unreachable, but it’s important we remember that no matter what, it’s still possible. And it’s all up to you! I’m sure there are numerous qualities you like about yourself, that you’re surely proud of, since they directly contribute to your personal success and achievements. If there aren’t – stop to think of some…I’ll wait. Now, there’s also one simple time-saving hack that could bring you more self-confidence and abundance in everything you do. That productivity hack is mastering self discipline. Self discipline is a type of behavior that is learned through persistent practice. It all stems from a choice that you consciously must make. Therefore, to unlock the mysterious chest of self discipline, you only need the right key. The greatest secret for achieving this state of mind is this: don’t give up and be sure to forgive yourself when things don’t go according to your plan. It is never easy to establish a whole new way of thinking. So, don’t be too hard on yourself. When you make a mistake, just move on and try your best not to repeat it. If you don’t continually move forward, unwelcome emotions will arise, like anger and frustration, and emotional triggers only create obstacles on your journey. Master Self Discipline in the modern world. In today’s world of technology, when it’s all too easy to get distracted by so many different things, you need focus to acquire self discipline. Try to turn off your phone for a few hours, don’t check your e-mails more than a few times per day, or throw away the food you’re trying to avoid. These little things can really help to keep your mind focused and on-task. Ditch all the bad influences and remove possible temptations. Realize, too, that you can take a break, just make sure it’s a short one. For example, if you’re dieting, then choose one day in a week to have a reasonable sized piece of chocolate cake; if you’re trying to save some money, spend a little bit less each time you go to the mall, or set a spending limit. Strict rules that you cannot or will not follow will do you no good. Besides, you will feel refreshed and at ease when you have a recess. After that little pause, you can get back in the saddle quickly and efficiently. Finally, don’t postpone. If there’s something you need to do, do it right away! This will change your routine and habits immediately. If you have to do something, and put it off because you really don’t want to, you will only create unnecessary suffering continuing to think about it. Procrastination is your biggest enemy, and your discipline can completely fall apart once you start your own waiting lists. You don’t have to sacrifice all your pleasures to achieve self discipline. Find a balance, and keep your mind clear, with positive thoughts. Learn to forgive yourself. But still, create a plan for commitment as well as for discipline and order.  Start where you are… Work within your personal boundaries so that this new lifestyle will last. It defeats the point to live an insanely rigid lifestyle if you will only quit after a week. Maybe for now you can only handle one or two new disciplines per week before you run off chasing more freedom. Everyone has their own styles. Stay true to you. I don’t want you to start waking up at 4am every day if it isn’t conducive to the future that you are visualizing for yourself. It’s entirely natural to be truly satisfied with everything you have, and still desire more. But, you will need self-discipline if you want to create a lasting change in your life. Keep up the great work. ~Wishing you success,Drew

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Develop a growth mindset & do everything better

Develop a Growth Mindset & Do Everything Better!

When deciding what new habit to pursue, it’s easy to look at all the things we shouldn’t do as a place to begin. We want to stop smoking or stress eating. We want to learn how to say ‘no’ or to quit spending so much time on social media. Have you ever considered the flipside of all that by building a habit that’s positive? What if the habit you formed was one of growth and personal development? Having a growth mindset positively impacts your life in multiple ways, so it’s a great healthy habit to build into your life. What are the benefits of developing a growth mindset? 1. You keep learning. Learning is important as you not only discover new ways to do things, but by making a practice of constantly learning, you develop new ways of thinking, and start having new ideas. Learning connects you with more of the world and helps you see things with a deeper significance than you ever thought possible. But more than that, people who stop learning very quickly become stagnant…and unfulfilled. Studies have shown that the practice of learning new things when you are older helps ward off problems related to dementia. In short, learning is good for your brain! 2. You expand your awareness. As we learn new things, we adapt and change how we think. That gives us the ability to see other solutions to problems that would have frustrated us in the past. In a sense, this expanded awareness allows us to think out of the box and become more resourceful. By challenging yourself to grow, you learn how to find new paths and overcome previously impassable obstacles. How about some more actionable benefits? 3. You learn how to embrace challenges. Growth can be challenging, and scary. But by pushing yourself to grow, that means you’re also pushing yourself to look at everything differently; your personal abilities, your influence in your life, the world around you is working for you, previous “challenges” no longer cause stress, anxiety, or overwhelm. An obstacle now becomes an opportunity to learn something new and to do things in a way you haven’t tried before. That’s exciting…not scary. 4. You learn how to embrace failure. When you’re interested in growing as an individual, you start to see failure differently. Everything becomes a potential lesson in a way that you didn’t think would work. For every failure that you make, you figure out something that didn’t work, and you are one step closer to finding the solution. On to the next one! 5. You become more open to criticism. By embracing a willingness to grow, you start to see that sometimes the input of other people has significance. You see their words not so much as something negative, but something you can use to develop as a person and learn something about yourself, or how you engage with others. You might not always like the lesson, or agree with it, but that’s part of growing too. Keep in mind: life doesn’t happen on your schedule, things are not always linear, and sometimes the lesson isn’t always clear…until later. Who doesn’t want to be…better at everything? By embracing personal growth, you uncover and fortify the best version of yourself. You’re able to become more than you ever thought possible, and then surprise yourself again by finding out that you can become more still. You’ll find that the furthest edges of yourself are far beyond what you thought you ever could be. To jumpstart your growth mindset – check out my free Mindset Shifts mini-course.

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How A Flexible Definition Of Success Creates More Fulfillment

I get this question a lot given the name of my business (Alphadog Success). But it’s also something that I make sure to ask every person I speak with when working in a coaching or mentorship role. In everything I do, success is my goal. The word, “success,” holds special meaning for me. When I am successful, I accomplish my intended purpose in a given situation. When I try to do my best job at work and I achieve that, then I am successful. Although success sometimes eludes me, my intent in life is to succeed each time it is within my power. Trying times occur in my life, just as it does for everyone else and I accept this fact. Yet, I also know that I put forth my best efforts in even the toughest of circumstances. In conversations with my spouse, I always attempt to exert my attention, patience, and best communication skills to arrive at a successful exchange. She is very emotional, and I am much more intellectual. So, we speak different languages, and sometimes it can be more difficult for us to convey seemingly simple concepts to one another. With my dogs (and cats), I strive to have a positive impact and demonstrate understanding and loving care toward them at all times. They don’t have the same perspective of the world that we do, and it takes a lot of self-restraint sometimes to not get frustrated or annoyed with their behavior. As the workplace presents its own special challenges, I accept there may be times when I lack complete control over how things proceed. However, I still make success my goal…always. Sometimes, my view of what success looks like in a situation changes. But this fact shows my flexibility and reflects that the meaning of success can vary, depending on the specific details of a situation. It is important that you allow for some flexibility in your plan and your vision of success. Don’t be so hard on yourself if things don’t work out exactly as planned. Have you ever proposed to a significant other? And did it go as planned? The reality is that something that emotionally charged will rarely go as you envisioned it would. But as long as you are true to yourself and your relationship, then that doesn’t make it any less special. Today, regardless of the circumstances, success is my goal. Life is good, largely due to my daily efforts to succeed. I’ve come up with a few question for you to ask yourself, and I want you to really take the time to reflect on these questions enough to draft an answer. And make sure to record your answer! I don’t care if it’s written or typed, but until you get those words out of your head – this is just like any other thought. Self-Reflection Questions: Everything starts with your Mind. If you aren’t in control of your mind, you will never be able to control your success. Click the banner below to learn more about my free Alphadog Awareness Mindset Mini-Class or visit:

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FIrst Step Essential to Success

3 Reasons Your First Step Is Essential for Success

”A real decision is measured by the fact that you’ve taken a new action. If there’s no action, you haven’t truly decided.” – Tony Robbins. For some reason, many people believe they can simply coast through life and still end up successful. They envision success, maybe even meditate on it, but never take the necessary action to reach the next level. It’s probably the reason why many people fall for get-rich-quick scams. Imagine doing minimal work and raking in bags of cash in return! If you really want to succeed, you’re going to have to put in a lot of time and effort to make it work. You will need to take action, consistent and focused action. Here are 3 reasons why taking action is important if you want to succeed: 1. It’s your first step towards success If you don’t take any action, you’re never going to take that first step towards achieving your goals. You’re never going to go anywhere. As they say, it’s always the first step that’s the hardest…but it’s also the most important. It’s relatively easy to choose the right goal and to make a grand plan on how you’re going to achieve that goal. But actually going out there and taking that first step, is when that plan actually begins. Many people have fun at the planning stage, but the moment they actually need to do something, then the reality will sink in. “That’s a lot of work,” they’ll say. They’ll start procrastinating, or they’ll start thinking it’s a bad idea. Maybe the limiting beliefs set in and you think that you will do it wrong, or that nobody will respond to you, or that you could even end up in a worse position than you’re in now…And they’ll just stop there. That’s all they do – just plan things, but never really take action out of fear or discomfort. 2. No amount of prep or knowledge compares with first-hand experience. When you take action, you will find out that whatever you’ve planned isn’t always going to happen the way you imagined. It isn’t always going to be feasible even. Sometimes, what you think something is may be different from what it actually is in reality; but you’ll never know until you get started. This is why being flexible and knowing when to adjust is so important. Your plan, no matter how long you spent on it, is still just a general guide – you don’t have to take it at face value – and probably shouldn’t. When you take action and go out into the real world, you find out what’s working and what’s not. You will improve your ability to go with the flow. You will learn there’s almost always another option out there that will help you achieve your goals faster, more efficiently, or with less stress than what you initially anticipated! But, with consistent and dedicated action, you are guaranteed to put yourself in a better place than you are in now, even if you fail first. 3. You will grow as a person Taking action is important if you also want to grow as a person. On the way to success, you’ll encounter so many obstacles, glitches, and challenges. Those are the opportune times to grow as a person. When you learn how to overcome all these obstacles: you gain new skills, you develop resilience, you become more patient, you develop a new level of self-awareness, and you grow as a person. If you don’t take action, you’ll remain as you always have been, doing the same things you’ve always been doing, thinking the same thoughts, and feeling the same feelings. So, what are you waiting for? Take the first step!

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