Business startup

How To Start Over & Build A Business From Scratch In 3-Months

Someone asked me what I would do if I had to start a business from scratch in 3 months (90-days). And that got me thinking, if I could take the experience I have and use it to start over from scratch… How would I do it? When I say starting over, I mean it. In this hypothetical I wouldn’t have my mailing list. I wouldn’t have organic traffic, a following, name recognition – none of that. Just my experience as to what works and what doesn’t and the drive to make it happen. Now let’s say that my life depends on me having a full-time income at the end of those 3 months. No pressure there, right?It sounds unrealistic, but a lot of people find themselves in a remarkably similar situation – make more money or else… Or else they’re in trouble, or else the bills go unpaid, or else they’re facing losing their home, or… worse. So, with that in mind, here’s what I would do: I would stop looking for magic ‘make money online’ products, strategies and ideas. There is no secret combo of tricks and buttons to make money. It’s not a printing press – It’s a free market. It may sound counter-intuitive, but in that free market the way to make money is to stop focusing on the money. Simply make yourself indispensable to people who need your solution to their problem. That’s the best way to start a business. Do that and the money will follow. When you’re focused on providing solutions, you no longer be distracted by ‘Shiny Object Syndrome’ that steals your time and your money. Now, I’m not saying all programs are bad. In fact, many of the “how-to” and “step-by-step” trainings are useful as building blocks to the larger puzzle. But that’s usually all they are – they’re puzzle pieces – not full-blown businesses. So, I would start with the outcome first. What is my market? Will I offer a product or a service? What solution can I provide that people will gladly pay for? What’s THE ONE BIG BENEFIT I can provide to my customers? What is my goal (How will I know when I’ve “made it?”) Clarity is key here. You must know where you are going and how you plan on getting there. I don’t mean that you need to have all the specific tactics worked out. I’m talking about the big picture. Think of your business as a GPS. You must know exactly where you are and exactly where you want to end up; plus your chosen method of transportation, in order for it to work properly. This is the starting point of everything that will come next. Next, I would build my website. Odds are it’s going to be a blog. Now, I’m not going to spend a ton of time on setting this up because I only have 3 months to start a business and generate an income. I’ll spend an hour maximum choosing the URL, I’ll get the hosting, I’ll choose a simple, streamlined theme, I’ll get the autoresponder and I’ll be ready to get started. Yes, it takes money to get started. Not a lot, but some. You’re making an investment into your future. And if you think spending a couple of hundred dollars to set up your internet business is somehow a lot of money, consider the alternative: Spending at least that much each month just to drive to and from a job, or spending tens or hundreds of thousands for a brick and mortar business. Time to create content for that blog. But this isn’t about running a blog, it’s about running a business. The blog is just a tool to get the business done. So, here’s what I would do: Look at the big benefit I deliver, and then write down all the stumbling blocks people encounter trying to get that big benefit. Then pick out 3 of these and write detailed posts on how to overcome those barriers. Then repurpose those posts into videos (for YouTube or Facebook) and podcasts, or some type of lead magnet/incentive to get people to join my list. Notice I’m only creating 3 pieces of great content initially, not 300. And I’m repurposing those in multiple ways. Some folks spend years trying to get everything exactly right, but in this hypothetical, I’ve only got 3 months, so forget perfection and just get it done. Don’t get carried away with content creation either. Keep it simple to start, there will be plenty of time to expand later on. The blog posts should be highly focused on getting my prospects to take the next step, which is likely going to be a free consultation. Think about the format of a successful sales funnel that drive people to take a specific action. It’s not very easy to sell a $300 a month coaching program or a $1,000 website optimization package online. Especially if you are under a time constraint. But its typically much easier and faster if you can talk on the phone or in a meeting first. Next, I would offer a service or coaching. Do you know why? Because it’s the quickest way to make real money. Offering products is great, but it takes time to create the products and more time to build the lists to promote that product to. When your list is small, it’s best to focus on services or coaching because it’s the fastest way to start a business that generates a profit. Most people are already experts at something. And to be an expert you just have to have lived through and overcome a specific problem. Get people on a free call, help them solve a problem, and invite them to participate in your coaching program where you will share what is actually holding them back and how to overcome that based on your personal experience. In its simplest form, we are simply sharing our personal knowledge. Now, I’d focus on getting as many people on the phone as I can, because I know two

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The Skill of Doing NOTHING!

Power of Pause: The Skill of Doing NOTHING!

In the world today, we’re constantly told to keep moving, keep striving, and keep working hard. People chug another coffee to get through the list of tasks. But this whirl of activity can take a toll on us. If you’re feeling this way, it’s essential to remember there’s more to life than just work. Life’s Equilibrium In life, balance is key. It’s not always about achievement or being in constant motion. Sometimes you may want to do something; other times, you may crave rest and relaxation. Life is a blend of action and pause, and both contribute to personal growth. Remember the equation: Stress + Rest = Growth Understanding Inaction Life moves in a rhythm. There’s a time to act and a time to rest. Constant push may lead to exhaustion, evident in people always on the go. They might say they feel fantastic, but their fatigue tells a different story. Taking a break is natural. However, it doesn’t mean total inactivity. It’s more about inner calmness, not pushing or forcing things, allowing them to be as they are, and living in the present. Embrace Surrender This notion doesn’t imply quitting everything. It’s about releasing control over uncontrollable things, making peace with the present, and opening up to experiences meant for you. If something is destined for you, it will find its way. Navigating Doubts and Fears Questions like “What if nothing happens?” or “Am I missing out?” might flood your mind. It’s natural. The key is to listen to your inner voice and recognize the right opportunities without the fear of missing out. A Different Approach to Life Each year, moments come when the desire to do nothing emerges. It’s crucial to honor these feelings. In the past, resistance and continuous work led to exhaustion and misery. Today, it’s about working less during these periods and allowing more time for fun, relaxation, and hobbies. Rediscovering Productivity After rest, you might find your productivity and motivation naturally rejuvenate. Embrace the slowdown times, and you will notice an increase in your efficiency afterward. The Futility of Endless Pushing Looking back, non-stop effort doesn’t always equal success. It often leads to running in circles of fear and insecurity. But when you relax, you can see the path life is taking you, without resistance. Rejecting Hustle Culture Hustle culture can make you feel guilty for resting, but remember that breaks are essential. Tuning into your inner guidance helps make the right decisions and allows life to flow more smoothly. Conclusion In a world that incessantly demands achievement and hustle, learn to embrace the pause. Listening to your inner self and taking it slow on off days can enhance your productivity and overall happiness. Understand the value of doing less and the power of giving up control, and let life flow in its rhythm. ~Wishing you Success! PS > Check out our FREE Mindset Mini-Class to continue your self-improvement journey.

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How to Overcome a Scarcity Mindset & Stop Worrying About Money

How to Overcome a Scarcity Mindset & Stop Worrying About Money

Introduction Have you ever felt really worried about money? You’re not alone. A lot of people feel like they don’t have enough money to live the life they want. But I’ve been learning how to change from worrying about not having enough money to feeling confident and positive about money, and you can too. What is Worry? First, let’s talk about worry. Worry is when we believe our own fearful thoughts. If we think we don’t have enough money and believe that thought, we will feel and act as if it’s true. This is why sometimes even rich people feel like they don’t have enough money, while some people with less money feel rich and happy. Why Do We Worry About Money? We often worry about money because we think it’s good for us. We think if we worry about money, we’ll be careful with it and we’ll have enough for what we need. But worry actually just makes us feel scared and unhappy, and it doesn’t help us solve our money problems. When you stop worrying about money and start feeling confident about it, you can make better decisions and enjoy life more. How to Stop Worrying About Money Here’s a summary of the steps you can take and how they can help: 1. Understand Your Mind: Remember that how you think about money affects how you feel about it. Try to notice your thoughts about money and choose to think positively about it. 2. Write Down Your Worries: Take some time to write down all your thoughts about money. This can help you see patterns and understand why you are feeling worried. 3. Face Your Fears: It’s okay to feel scared about money, but don’t let that fear control you. Allow yourself to feel the fear, and then let it pass. You’ll find that you’re stronger than your fear. 4. Live in the Now: Try to focus on the present moment. When you catch yourself worrying about money, gently bring your focus back to the now. This practice can make you feel more calm and in control. 5. Take Action: Take small steps to improve your financial situation. Create a budget, save a little money each month, and make smart spending choices. Action can help reduce your worries and increase your financial confidence. 6. Learn About Money: Knowledge is power. Learn about money, budgeting, and saving. The more you know, the more control you’ll have over your money and the less you’ll worry about it. 7. Be Patient and Kind to Yourself: Changing your mindset about money is a journey. Be patient with yourself and remember that it’s okay to ask for help. Talk to friends, family, or a financial advisor about your money worries and goals. 8. Celebrate Small Wins: Celebrate your progress and small victories along the way. This positive reinforcement can help keep you motivated on your journey to a worry-free financial life. Wrapping Up You don’t have to live in scarcity, with money worries forever. Understanding your thoughts and feelings about money, facing your fears, focusing on the present, and taking informed actions can all help you move toward a life of financial confidence and abundance. You’re not alone on this journey, and with persistence and the right tools, you can transform your relationship with money permanently. It’s the beginning of a new chapter, where money is not a source of stress but a tool for creating the life you desire. Are you ready to take the first step towards a healthier and happier financial future?

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How To Maximize Your Online Productivity by Minimizing Distractions

Imagine being told you need to check your email 145 times daily. It sounds absurd, yet according to Brian Tracy’s book, The Science of Motivation, this is the average frequency for most adults, inadvertently sapping their productivity. Nowadays, we can say checkin your email is the equivalent to checking your social media. The Science Behind Distractions This compulsive behavior is not arbitrary. Each email sent or received triggers a small release of dopamine in our bodies, akin to the stimulation from certain drugs, offering a fleeting sensation of pleasure. This biological reward system keeps us glued to our inboxes, texts, and social media, continuously seeking the next dopamine hit. However, this incessant digital activity has a downside. According to USA Today, the continuous engagement with these platforms gradually exhausts our brain, leading to a potential drop of about 10 IQ points by day’s end. This cognitive depletion manifests as indecision and mental fog, making even simple choices, like selecting a dinner menu or a TV show, feel overwhelming. Practical Solutions for Avoiding Distractions So, how can we reclaim our time, energy, and brainpower? Start by limiting email checks or social media logins to thrice daily, handling all correspondence in one go, and then disengaging completely. Unless your job demands constant email monitoring, this approach helps in cutting down distractions, freeing up time and mental space for more meaningful activities and decisions. Extend this strategy to all digital platforms, including social media. The decreased screen time not only reduces brain fatigue, enhancing cognitive abilities and decision-making capacities but also contributes to overall happiness and well-being. I use a free Chrome extension called News Feed Eradicator that hides my newsfeed and replaces it with a motivational quote. This way, when I’m using social media for work to audit an account, respond to DMs or post in one of my groups – I don’t have any distractions. The Path to Enhanced Productivity and Happiness Adopting these habits may initially feel challenging, especially given the addictive nature of digital interactions. Yet, the benefits of reduced digital engagement – more time, increased energy, enhanced mental clarity, and augmented productivity – far outweigh the initial discomfort. In minimizing these distractions, you pave the way for a more focused, efficient, and satisfying daily life, unburdened by the constant noise and interruptions of incessant notifications and updates. The regained time and energy can then be channeled into activities and pursuits that genuinely enrich your life, contributing to holistic growth, happiness, and well-being. So, take the leap today. Restrict those email and social media checks, reclaim your time and mental energy, and rediscover the joys of uninterrupted focus and enhanced productivity. The path to a more fulfilled and balanced life is just a click away – or rather, fewer clicks away!

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