
Feed The Right Wolves To Master Your Emotions & Find More Happiness

The Secret To Finding More Happiness Is Feeding The Right Wolf

The Tale of The Two Wolves is short story based on a popular Native American parable. You may have heard this story before, but it’s a really good one, and I think we can all learn something from it. In case you’re unfamiliar – here’s the quick version: There’s this old Cherokee guy who tells his grandson about a battle going on inside him. He says, “It’s like I have two wolves fighting in my heart. One is a mean wolf – he’s all about anger, jealousy, sadness, regrets, being greedy, and feeling better than others. The other is a good wolf – he’s about happiness, calmness, love, hope, being empathy, compassion, and hope.“ He explains that every one of us has an identical battle taking place inside of our own hearts. The kid thinks on it for a bit and then asks, “Which wolf wins the fight?” And the wise old Cherokee simply says, “The one you feed.” That’s it, that’s the tale. So, what’s the big deal about this story? To put it bluntly, we should look at this as a wake-up call that we’ve got more control over our feelings than we were originally taught. It applies the concept of choice to emotions, they aren’t just something that happens beyond our control. When life gets tough, it’s super easy to play the blame game. We avoid responsibility others, or things, or whatever, thinking that’ll help us make sense of the mess inside. We all do it. Why? It makes us feel like we’re in charge when stuff’s going crazy. But here’s the twist: When we blame everything else for our bad mood or tough times, we’re actually giving away our superpower – the power to choose. The moment we start thinking, “This person or that thing made me feel this way,” we’re letting go of the steering wheel of our emotions. So, here’s a game-changer idea: Which wolf in your heart do you want to feed? The grouchy one that’s all about the bad vibes? This wolf’s like that nagging voice in your head that keeps telling you you’re not good enough or that nobody gets you. That’s the wolf that feeds on your fears and worries. Do you really wanna keep giving him snacks? By saying “Nope, not today” to this wolf, you’re choosing to spend your energy on the good stuff – the thoughts and feelings that make you feel awesome. You don’t have to hug the bad vibes; just don’t invite them to hang out. When you stop paying attention to them, they’ll get bored and leave. Now, what about the happy wolf? Well, he won’t feed himself, that’s for sure. Just like you wouldn’t keep feeding the grumpy wolf, you’ve got to choose to give the good wolf all the good stuff – happiness, peace, love, and all that jazz. We often look outside for things to make us happy, like a cool job, a vacation, or even a new pair of sneakers. Sure, they might give us a quick smile, but that buzz doesn’t last forever. Real talk: Happiness isn’t about what’s happening around you; it’s about what’s happening inside you. True, deep-down happiness comes from deciding to be happy, no matter what. The more you focus on being happy, the less you’re feeding that inside wolf. And guess what? You’ve already got everything you need to be happy, right here, right now. That feeling of joy comes from feeding the good wolf in your heart. As he gets bigger and stronger, he’s going to help you deal with the tough stuff way better. And if you keep feeding only him, he’s always going to come out on top.

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Mind Over Matter: How to Control Your Thoughts and Emotions for a Happier Life

Mind Over Matter: How to Control Your Thoughts and Emotions for a Happier Life

Controlling our thoughts and emotions can be a challenging task, especially when we’re dealing with stress, anxiety, or other negative feelings. However, with the right mindset and tools, it’s possible to take control of your thoughts and emotions and achieve a more peaceful and fulfilling life. In this blog, we’ll explore the process of controlling your thoughts and emotions and provide some tips on how to do it efficiently. The first step to controlling your thoughts and emotions is to become aware of them. We often let our thoughts and emotions control us without even realizing it. We react to situations based on our past experiences and conditioning, without questioning whether our reactions are appropriate or helpful. By becoming aware of our thoughts and emotions, we can start to understand why we feel a certain way and take steps to change our responses. Once you’re aware of your thoughts and emotions, you can start to challenge them. For example, if you’re feeling anxious about a situation, ask yourself if your anxiety is justified. Is the situation really as bad as you’re making it out to be? Are you catastrophizing the situation? By questioning your thoughts, you can start to gain perspective and reduce your emotional response. Another technique for controlling your thoughts and emotions is to practice mindfulness. Mindfulness involves being present in the moment and observing your thoughts and emotions without judgment. By practicing mindfulness, you can learn to observe your thoughts and emotions without reacting to them. This can help you to stay calm and centered, even in stressful situations. It’s also important to take care of your physical health. Exercise, good nutrition, and adequate sleep can all help to reduce stress and anxiety. When you’re feeling physically healthy, it’s easier to control your thoughts and emotions. Finally, it’s important to have a support system. Surround yourself with positive people who support your goals and values. Seek out therapy or counseling if you need help managing your thoughts and emotions. In summary, controlling your thoughts and emotions involves becoming aware of them, challenging them, practicing mindfulness, taking care of your physical health, and having a support system. By following these tips, you can take control of your thoughts and emotions and achieve a more peaceful and fulfilling life. Remember, it takes time and practice, but it’s worth the effort!

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A Comprehensive Guide to Achieving True Happiness

5 Proven Methods To Help You Feel More Happiness

Understanding the Meaning of Happiness Happiness is a subjective concept that is often misunderstood. It is a state of mind that is characterized by positive emotions, contentment, and satisfaction. However, many people equate happiness with material possessions, success, and social status, which can lead to disappointment, stress, and anxiety. Therefore, it is essential to understand the true meaning of happiness and how it can be achieved. The Science of Happiness Happiness is not a random event, but a result of conscious effort and deliberate action. Scientists have extensively studied the factors that contribute to happiness, such as genetics, personality traits, social relationships, and life experiences. By understanding these factors, we can develop strategies to enhance our happiness levels and improve our quality of life. The Five Keys to Happiness Based on scientific research, we have identified the five keys to happiness that can help you achieve long-lasting contentment and fulfillment. Wrapping Up In conclusion, happiness is not an elusive or unattainable goal but a state of mind that can be cultivated through conscious effort and deliberate action. By understanding the science of happiness and following the five keys to happiness, you can achieve true contentment, fulfillment, and joy. We hope this comprehensive guide will provide valuable insights and help you on your journey towards happiness.

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5 Limiting Belief that Are Stopping Your From Being Successful

5 Limiting Beliefs that Are Stopping You From Being Successful

Introduction Limiting beliefs act like chains, holding us back from exploring our full potential and living life to the fullest. These ingrained convictions whittle down our self-esteem and undermine our faith in our abilities, leading us into a cycle of underachievement and dissatisfaction. This article explores five prevalent limiting beliefs and offers insight into breaking free from their grip. Breaking Down Common Limiting Beliefs Limiting Belief #1 – I am Undeserving of Good Things Overview: The belief in personal unworthiness leads to rejecting or undermining opportunities for growth and success. Counteraction: Understand that everyone deserves happiness and success. Acknowledge your worth and open your mind to opportunities. Limiting Belief #2 – I Lack Physical Attractiveness Overview: This belief fosters a lack of self-confidence, impacting social and professional interactions negatively. Counteraction: Recognize that true attractiveness stems from confidence, kindness, and intelligence. Embrace your unique qualities and project them with confidence. Limiting Belief #3 – My Dreams will Only End in Failure Overview: This mindset acts as a self-fulfilling prophecy, causing setbacks and inhibiting progress. Counteraction: View failures as opportunities for growth and learning. Acknowledge your fears but don’t let them dictate your actions. Limiting Belief #4 – Happiness is Beyond My Reach Overview: This belief creates an endless, fruitless search for happiness outside oneself. Counteraction: Understand that true happiness comes from within. Practice gratitude and seek joy in the small things in life. Limiting Belief #5 – My Situation is Hopeless Overview: This belief fosters a sense of despair and hopelessness, blocking paths to improvement and growth. Counteraction: Believe in the power of change. Take small steps to improve your situation and seek support from friends, family, or professionals. Challenge Your Beliefs Don’t let limiting beliefs shackle your growth and wellbeing. Understand that thoughts, although powerful, are fleeting and do not define you. They follow their own course, independent of your identity and truth. Realize your capacity to question, analyze, and change your beliefs, transforming them into pillars that support rather than barriers that confine. The Power of Self-Realization Self-awareness is the beacon that illuminates the path to change. Recognize the limiting beliefs that constrain you and actively work to dismantle them. Understanding that you are not bound by your thoughts empowers you to reshape them, fostering personal evolution and enlightenment. Embrace Continuous Learning and Unlearning Life is a journey of perpetual learning and unlearning. As you gain insights, be ready to unlearn beliefs that no longer align with your growth and self-perception. This dynamic process is integral for personal development and achieving a fulfilling life. Conclusion: Light the Path Forward May this exploration shed light on your self-awareness journey, helping identify and uproot limiting beliefs. Embrace the reality that beliefs are choices, not unchangeable truths. Take the first step towards personal evolution by recognizing the power within you to change your thoughts, beliefs, and life. For deeper insights into the neuroscience behind belief formation and practical strategies for personal evolution, explore this FREE mini-course. Embark on the transformative journey to unshackle your mind and live a life unbounded by limiting beliefs.

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How To Overcome The Top 7 Mental Blocks for Success

How To Overcome The Top 7 Mental Blocks for Success

Introduction Often, the biggest barrier to achieving success is not external factors but oneself. Overcoming these self-imposed barriers is crucial for personal and professional growth. Let’s explore and expand on the seven common mental roadblocks and provide strategies for overcoming them. 1. Doubt The cycle of doubt can be paralyzing and self-perpetuating. When you doubt your abilities, it’s challenging to gain others’ confidence in your capabilities. How to Overcome: Work on building your self-confidence. Create a list of your strengths and achievements to refer to whenever doubt creeps in. This self-affirmation can fortify your belief in your abilities, making it easier to persuade others to believe in you too. 2. Fear of Failure Fear of failure can halt progress and innovation. Many view failure negatively, whereas it should be seen as a learning opportunity. How to Overcome: Redefine your perception of failure. View it as a mentor, guiding you to explore alternative paths to success. Understanding that failure often precedes success can change your approach and make you more resilient. 3. Fear of Success Some fear the change and perceived negatives success might bring, including the loss of comfort zones or assumed personality shifts. How to Overcome: Challenge these fears by visualizing the positive impacts of success on your life. Understand that success does not inherently change your core values or personality, and any changes can be controlled and directed positively. 4. Lack of Self-Belief Without believing in yourself, achieving your goals becomes a daunting task as you lack the necessary motivation and drive. How to Overcome: Regularly set and achieve small goals. This practice will build your confidence and reinforce your belief in your abilities to tackle larger objectives. 5. Getting Too Emotional Excessive emotion can cloud judgment and lead to poor decisions. How to Overcome: Practice mindfulness or other emotional regulation techniques. These tools can help you to remain calm and think logically in challenging situations. 6. Making Things Too Complicated Overcomplication and overthinking can stall progress, causing simple problems to appear larger and more intricate than they are. How to Overcome: Focus on breaking down problems into manageable parts and seek simple solutions first. Remember that the most effective solution is often the most straightforward one. 7. Thinking Inside the Box Limited, conventional thinking can prevent the discovery of innovative solutions to problems. How to Overcome: Encourage creativity and unconventional thinking. Regularly practice brainstorming sessions, and don’t dismiss any idea as too “out there.” Often the most unusual ideas can lead to the most innovative solutions. Conclusion Breaking down these mental blocks is essential for paving the path to your success. Implement these strategies to overcome personal barriers, ensuring a smoother, more confident journey towards achieving your goals and aspirations.

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How To Overcome Fear By Turning Lions Into Kittens

How To Overcome Fear By Turning Lions Into Kittens

Exploring Fear with Examples: Ever rushed up the stairs in the dark, feeling like someone might be behind you? Or felt a chill going to the bathroom late at night, worried about the imaginary unknown? These irrational fears stem from our evolved psychology designed to keep us safe in a dangerous world. Evolved for Caution Our minds, like our bodies, evolved in a perilous environment. Early humans faced numerous threats, leading to the development of a risk-averse nature and an inclination for chronic stress. Our ancestors had to assume the worst to survive. The Ambiguity Issue Picture this: you’re in the wilderness, observing an animal silhouette against the horizon. Is it a harmless kitten or a dangerous lion? The safest bet is to assume it’s a lion and react for self-preservation. This survival instinct is still with us, even though we no longer face such clear and present dangers. Today’s threats are debts, illnesses, relationship problems, and career issues, replacing the lions of our past. The Power of Perspective But here’s the crux: overcoming fear is all about perspective and mindset. Viewing challenges as kittens rather than lions can help us remain calm and happy, even in difficult situations. It’s essential to reassess our situations, take control of our anxiety and stress, and realize that our fears might not be as threatening as they seem. Transforming Fear So, how do you turn lions into kittens and conquer fear? By evaluating why you’re scared and determining if the fear is justified. Consider contingency plans and coping strategies to handle the challenges effectively. Conclusion Remember, it’s all a matter of perspective. By changing your mindset, beliefs, thoughts, and feelings, you transform the reality you experience. Learn to see the kittens, not the lions, and watch your fears diminish and your courage soar. s perform worse and feel worse. How do you turn your situations into kittens and overcome fear? Simple: you assess exactly why you’re afraid and whether or not there really is a good reason for you to be. Likewise, you can look at contingency plans and coping mechanisms. Remember: it’s all just perspective. Change your mindset (beliefs, thoughts, feelings) and you change the reality that you experience! You can also check out our FREE Alphadog Awareness Mini Class HERE.

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The Skill of Doing NOTHING!

Power of Pause: The Skill of Doing NOTHING!

In the world today, we’re constantly told to keep moving, keep striving, and keep working hard. People chug another coffee to get through the list of tasks. But this whirl of activity can take a toll on us. If you’re feeling this way, it’s essential to remember there’s more to life than just work. Life’s Equilibrium In life, balance is key. It’s not always about achievement or being in constant motion. Sometimes you may want to do something; other times, you may crave rest and relaxation. Life is a blend of action and pause, and both contribute to personal growth. Remember the equation: Stress + Rest = Growth Understanding Inaction Life moves in a rhythm. There’s a time to act and a time to rest. Constant push may lead to exhaustion, evident in people always on the go. They might say they feel fantastic, but their fatigue tells a different story. Taking a break is natural. However, it doesn’t mean total inactivity. It’s more about inner calmness, not pushing or forcing things, allowing them to be as they are, and living in the present. Embrace Surrender This notion doesn’t imply quitting everything. It’s about releasing control over uncontrollable things, making peace with the present, and opening up to experiences meant for you. If something is destined for you, it will find its way. Navigating Doubts and Fears Questions like “What if nothing happens?” or “Am I missing out?” might flood your mind. It’s natural. The key is to listen to your inner voice and recognize the right opportunities without the fear of missing out. A Different Approach to Life Each year, moments come when the desire to do nothing emerges. It’s crucial to honor these feelings. In the past, resistance and continuous work led to exhaustion and misery. Today, it’s about working less during these periods and allowing more time for fun, relaxation, and hobbies. Rediscovering Productivity After rest, you might find your productivity and motivation naturally rejuvenate. Embrace the slowdown times, and you will notice an increase in your efficiency afterward. The Futility of Endless Pushing Looking back, non-stop effort doesn’t always equal success. It often leads to running in circles of fear and insecurity. But when you relax, you can see the path life is taking you, without resistance. Rejecting Hustle Culture Hustle culture can make you feel guilty for resting, but remember that breaks are essential. Tuning into your inner guidance helps make the right decisions and allows life to flow more smoothly. Conclusion In a world that incessantly demands achievement and hustle, learn to embrace the pause. Listening to your inner self and taking it slow on off days can enhance your productivity and overall happiness. Understand the value of doing less and the power of giving up control, and let life flow in its rhythm. ~Wishing you Success! PS > Check out our FREE Mindset Mini-Class to continue your self-improvement journey.

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How to Overcome a Scarcity Mindset & Stop Worrying About Money

How to Overcome a Scarcity Mindset & Stop Worrying About Money

Introduction Have you ever felt really worried about money? You’re not alone. A lot of people feel like they don’t have enough money to live the life they want. But I’ve been learning how to change from worrying about not having enough money to feeling confident and positive about money, and you can too. What is Worry? First, let’s talk about worry. Worry is when we believe our own fearful thoughts. If we think we don’t have enough money and believe that thought, we will feel and act as if it’s true. This is why sometimes even rich people feel like they don’t have enough money, while some people with less money feel rich and happy. Why Do We Worry About Money? We often worry about money because we think it’s good for us. We think if we worry about money, we’ll be careful with it and we’ll have enough for what we need. But worry actually just makes us feel scared and unhappy, and it doesn’t help us solve our money problems. When you stop worrying about money and start feeling confident about it, you can make better decisions and enjoy life more. How to Stop Worrying About Money Here’s a summary of the steps you can take and how they can help: 1. Understand Your Mind: Remember that how you think about money affects how you feel about it. Try to notice your thoughts about money and choose to think positively about it. 2. Write Down Your Worries: Take some time to write down all your thoughts about money. This can help you see patterns and understand why you are feeling worried. 3. Face Your Fears: It’s okay to feel scared about money, but don’t let that fear control you. Allow yourself to feel the fear, and then let it pass. You’ll find that you’re stronger than your fear. 4. Live in the Now: Try to focus on the present moment. When you catch yourself worrying about money, gently bring your focus back to the now. This practice can make you feel more calm and in control. 5. Take Action: Take small steps to improve your financial situation. Create a budget, save a little money each month, and make smart spending choices. Action can help reduce your worries and increase your financial confidence. 6. Learn About Money: Knowledge is power. Learn about money, budgeting, and saving. The more you know, the more control you’ll have over your money and the less you’ll worry about it. 7. Be Patient and Kind to Yourself: Changing your mindset about money is a journey. Be patient with yourself and remember that it’s okay to ask for help. Talk to friends, family, or a financial advisor about your money worries and goals. 8. Celebrate Small Wins: Celebrate your progress and small victories along the way. This positive reinforcement can help keep you motivated on your journey to a worry-free financial life. Wrapping Up You don’t have to live in scarcity, with money worries forever. Understanding your thoughts and feelings about money, facing your fears, focusing on the present, and taking informed actions can all help you move toward a life of financial confidence and abundance. You’re not alone on this journey, and with persistence and the right tools, you can transform your relationship with money permanently. It’s the beginning of a new chapter, where money is not a source of stress but a tool for creating the life you desire. Are you ready to take the first step towards a healthier and happier financial future?

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Transformative Ways To Power a Positive Attitude

Transformative Ways To Power a Positive Attitude

The saying may feel worn, but the impact of maintaining a positive attitude is a life-altering force! Everyone Faces Challenges Imagine a day filled with minor irritations: oversleeping, a flat tire, spilled coffee, a parking ticket, lost keys, a daunting to-do list, and an overwhelming sense of exhaustion and frustration. This scenario is familiar to everyone, and it’s easy to let these annoyances dictate the tone of our entire day. Consider a day when waking up two hours late was followed by being pulled over just a turn away from the office. It’s tempting to let such a morning steep the entire day in frustration, letting the initial irritations magnify every subsequent annoyance. Choosing Your Perspective However, life is comprised of 10% events and 90% reactions. The true power lies in embracing a positive outlook. Yes, alarms malfunction, but they can be reset. Tires can be replaced. Coffee can be refilled. Parking tickets can be resolved, keys can be found, and to-do lists can be conquered. Our lives are inherently full, and recognizing this abundance allows us to navigate obstacles with grace and optimism. The Power of Attitude Our attitude is the brush that colors our world. The small inconveniences of life don’t require excess worry or stress. Remember, no one else can make you feel angry, upset, or worried without your permission. Circumstances are neutral; your reaction imbues them with positivity or negativity. So why not choose the former? If discontentment surfaces, embrace the power to change the situation. If the situation is beyond your control, adapt your perspective. A redirected attitude can uncover the gift within every moment, filling your days with confidence, health, and genuine beauty. Facing Each Day with Optimism With the awareness that tomorrow is never guaranteed, opt to live each day to its fullest, exuding the positivity you wish to be remembered for. Orient yourself towards the positive and view problems as opportunities for growth, development, and learning. Count Your Blessings Amid the challenges, never forget to count your blessings. Take time to savor the blue sky, enjoy a sunset, relish a refreshing run, or indulge in a sweet treat. Be grateful for your family, home, and sustenance, recognizing that many are not as fortunate. See the Good in Every Situation Strive to bring out the best in everyone and every situation you encounter. Refrain from assumptions and judgment, understanding that while you cannot control others or every circumstance, your attitude remains within your command. Be a beacon of positivity, illuminating the lives of others with your optimistic outlook. Viewing Setbacks as Opportunities for Growth Even when things don’t go as planned, trust the journey. Each setback is a stepping stone leading you towards your ultimate destination. Foster the belief that a superior plan is unfolding, moving you towards greater growth and progress. Embrace Prayer and Faith Pray for sustained positivity and the ability to recognize and appreciate your countless blessings. Pray for the welfare of others and the fortitude to maintain unwavering faith amidst life’s inevitable trials. Spread Joy with a Smile Never underestimate the power of a smile. As a universal language of kindness and connection, your smile can brighten someone’s day, infusing both your life and theirs with a burst of positivity and happiness. Conclusion: Be the Light Armed with the right attitude, experience a life filled with energy, peace, and radiance. Be the light that guides others towards positivity, transforming not just your day, but your entire life. Today is yours to shape; make it a masterpiece of joy, optimism, and unwavering positivity.

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