limiting belief

You Past Mistakes Don't Define You

Drop The Past: It Doesn’t Deserve Time In Your Future

Your past doesn’t define you. I can’t even tell you how many people I come across who say, “I’m a failure”. “I don’t have it”. “This suck”. Life sucks. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer. Every single year, I get poor. I’m stuck. These people are not low IQ individuals, per se. They’re not ugly. There’s nothing in their personality that makes them inferior. It’s their attitude that dooms them to a life of mediocrity, struggle, and frustration. If you’re reading this article, chances are you’ve felt these things. Maybe you’re feeling that your life follows a pattern where one day is basically the same as the day before it. Like Groundhog Day with Bill Murray (great movie by the way). There’s really not much change in your life. Before you know it, you feel that you’re stuck in a rut that you call life – and there’s no escaping. It’s as if the script keeps playing over and over. It’s the same boring old movie again and again. Same movie, different day. All arriving at the same the conclusion – death. It doesn’t have to be a bad thing. I know it sounds kind of extreme, and depressing. It’s definitely discouraging. But, I want you to understand where that mindset leads to. And this definitely doesn’t lead us to a happy place. If there was any doubt before, now you have the answer. People who screw up in the past think it seals the rest of their life. Your past doesn’t define you. This world would be a vastly different place if that were the case. No matter how bad you screwed up in the past, it doesn’t have to hold you back unless you let it. When you keep repeating scenes in your head of being rejected, humiliated, embarrassed, betrayed or oppressed. Your subconscious will attempt to bring that into existence. Plus you are feeling all of the emotions as if you were living through it live. Finally this causes you to vibrate at a lower frequency, attracting more of the same. What do you think happens when you repeat this behavior? Your past doesn’t define you. Do you think you can change the material fact of what happened in the past? No. It’s not like the movie Back to the Future and you’ve got a flying DeLorean that you can jump into with Marty McFly. It doesn’t work that way. What happened in the past happened. What you can change is your interpretation. Your past doesn’t define you. You can change its effect on you in the here and now. Claim your power. This is key to external change, which is affecting what is happening for you right now, your appearance, your work, your business, the amount of money in your bank account, or how big your house or apartment is. All across the board is an internal change. Change your relationship with your past and you can change your future. Does your past condemn you? Does it make you feel small, weak, and powerless? Well, you can change how you interpret your past. Internal changes mean changing your thought patterns, assumptions, beliefs, and emotional habits. It’s perfectly true that the world doesn’t care about your feelings, it cares about your actions. It aims at results. Where do you think those results come from? It comes from your thoughts. When you think about your situation in a certain way; you end up in an empowered emotional state. In that new emotional state, you ask smarter questions and make corresponding decisions. When you make those decisions, you change your present and future with your actions. What if you can change your thoughts? What if you can change your assumptions about your past? Your life doesn’t have to feel like a runaway roller coaster where the moment you think about something negative, everything has to end up with a negative implication again and again and again. It doesn’t have to be that way. Please understand that you are always in control because you can always choose how you interpret things. You can always choose what you think about. You can always choose what you do or do not dwell on. Do not let go of that power. That would be the height of irresponsibility and I hate to say this because when I first realized this, it was when somebody said it, and it stung a little bit. That was precisely the point things changed though because at that point I grew. Whatever is happening in your life, you’re doing to yourself. You really are. I know it doesn’t make much sense. Who wants to intentionally live a frustrated or unfulfilled life? Who wants to feel this pain? Take responsibility. You can do it. Change creates change. Your past doesn’t define you. Reacting the same way to past situations will only keep you bound to the lesson and stuck in the same karmic loop. When you are presented with the same situations over and over, you have to do something different. You are being presented with two choices, evolve or repeat. ~Wishing you success!

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Making Friends with Failure

How A Fear Of Failure Manifests More Failure

Did you know failure is your friend? Depending on where you’re at in your life, you may either be laughing out loud or cringing. You may even have this almost irresistible urge to close this article and move on to more interesting things. Well, hear me out. Most people are afraid of failure. It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to figure that out. This is part of the human condition. We are drawn to pleasure and we recoil from pain and discomfort. We would love the big mansions, the swimming pools, the global vacations every two months, and the tons of money in the bank, but we hate or we try to avoid putting in day-after-day of seemingly meaningless work. Try to avoid meeting the very difficult people that can lead to great deals because it’s painful to deal with them. We would like to get the reward without going through the painful process. I understand that since that’s part of human nature. This is why we’re afraid of failure because we know it guarantees nothing. We can put in the work, the time, the effort and make all the sacrifices and at the end of that process, there’s nothing there. You’re left holding an empty bag. The truth is you’re already failing right now if you’re not shooting for your goals and dreams. You really are failing because every day you spend being paralyzed by fear of failure is a day not spent working towards success. Fear of failure can paralyze you or make you do things the wrong way. The worst thing you can do is to put things off and wait for the ‘right time’ to happen because that perfect time never comes, right? Stop waiting for tomorrow because tomorrow will never come. There will be many duties, responsibilities, and obligations that will pop up all over the place that will distract you. They will throw you off track. You can bet on that. Fear of failure can also make you hesitate and doubt yourself. Doubt is an emotional cancer in certain contexts. It can burn away at you. The worst part is it builds slowly until it explodes, usually at the moment you least expect it, and you end up crashing and burning. Don’t doubt your capabilities. Challenge yourself but don’t doubt. The ultimate truth about you is that you can do it if you put in the time, effort, and sacrifice and choose the right goals. Unfortunately, if you’re so deathly afraid of failure, you won’t go through the learning process. It’s painful to constantly think about failure, or failing, or not being good enough, or not having enough time, or whatever other excuse or limiting belief you can come up with. That’s why you’re not trying anything new – you think you’re avoiding failure. You don’t even give yourself the chance to succeed or fail. Successful People Think Differently We all want to be successful, but sometimes the fear of failure prevents us from trying new things. Failure is a necessary component on the way to success. If you’re not failing, then chances are you’re just sitting around doing nothing. Successful people don’t fear failure. Believe it or not, successful people know failure is always a possibility. But they make it work for them. They view failure as the price they pay to learn and grow. If you want a good example of this, pay attention to that quote from Thomas Edison. He said, “I didn’t fail to invent the light bulb. I discovered 101 ways of not inventing light bulbs.” Do you see the logic in that? Failure is the price you pay as you learn. You can use it as a steppingstone to the ultimate success or you can use it as a gravestone to all your hopes, wishes, dreams, and ambitions. The truth is successful people view failure as a necessity. Failure is not the opposite of success – instead, it’s part of the process.

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Your thoughts are not your own

Challenge Your Own Beliefs To Tranform Your Life

Make no mistake. Beliefs are decisions, and we choose our own beliefs. There’s nobody sitting behind you with a gun pointed to your head telling you to believe certain things. There’s nobody threatening to kill you if you don’t believe you are not good enough, incapable, and not up to the job. Nobody’s forcing you to be miserable. I know that that’s an uncomfortable thing to hear because we’re human beings. We’re trapped in a prison of weak flesh and we would love to have somebody or a situation to blame. You choose your beliefs and these are the foundation of your reality. They make up the lenses that filter your reality. That’s what you use to read reality. Nothing is forced on you. You’ve voluntarily assumed them. You always have a say. How do I change that? How do you fight back against your toxic beliefs? It all boils down to being more critical. This doesn’t mean that you have to turn into some jerk or asshole but it means that you have to be more skeptical. I’m not a religious person, but this notion is even mentioned in the bible: “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways, my ways.” – Isaiah 55:8 Don’t think things have face value. Somebody might say something is right or true, but filter that information through your experience. Use your logical reasoning facilities and start to question everything you hear or think. Is this true for me? Do I actually believe it? Unfortunately, many people are lazy because if somebody we know, who we love and respect says something or make a truth claim, we are more likely to pick up on what they say and assume that it’s true. Why? In the back of our heads, we filtered that person as someone who experienced many things and as someone who has achieved credibility and authority in our mind so why do the heavy work and be skeptical of what they say? Your thoughts are not your own. Basically, you transfer the time, effort, and attention to detail that you invested in developing that friend or mentor to their claims. This is a problem because people make mistakes all the time, and everyone has a different experience going through life. People say the stupidest things all the time and if you were mentally lazy and adopt what they say wholesale and absorb it, there will be problems. Maybe they’re saying something that’s true to them personally, but it’s not some universal truth that applies to all people across the board. The next thing you need to do is to stop assuming. Don’t be afraid to look at first principles. If somebody is saying a big claim, don’t be afraid to look like a fool and say, “Hold on, what do you mean by this and by that?” Thoughts are constantly flowing, coming and going, always obeying their own laws. When you realize that you are not your thoughts, the impact of those thoughts will diminish. “The power of your thoughts lies in the fact that you think they are yours.” – Osho Do not be fearful of challenging your own beliefs, it can lead to true transformation and evolution. In life we are always learning. But equally as important, we must unlearn that which does not agree with us anymore. Free Course to identify limiting beliefs that may no longer be serving you: In depth development through coaching: ~Wishing you success!

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How To Harness Your Beliefs To Create More Success In Your Life

How To Harness Your Beliefs To Create More Success In Your Life

Starting Out: Your beliefs shape how successful you are. This isn’t magic. If you are facing tough times or feel like you’re failing, it’s okay to look for answers. Admitting there’s a problem is the first step to fixing it. Think About a Simple Chair: Imagine you’re sitting down. You trust the chair will hold you up. That’s a belief – you believe the chair won’t break. This tiny decision happens fast, and you might not notice it, but it’s still a choice you make based on belief. Your Beliefs Are Powerful: This small example shows how your beliefs are always working in your life, even in little ways. If you can believe in a chair, why not believe in yourself? If you’re facing problems, it might be because you’re believing in the wrong things. Facing the Truth: It’s hard to accept that we’ve made bad choices because of our beliefs. But facing this truth is a big step forward. Accepting that you’ve been wrong about something means you can start making better choices. Belief Affects Everything: What you believe affects everything you do. If you believe you can succeed, you’ll start making choices that lead to success. If you think you’ll fail, that belief will make you choose things that lead to failure. You Can Change Your Beliefs: The great news is you can change your beliefs. Just like dropping a hot potato, you can drop a bad belief. When you change your beliefs, you change your choices, and that changes your life. Your Beliefs Guide Your Success: In the end, it’s all about belief. Your beliefs shape your choices, and your choices shape your life. Believe in success, make choices that lead to success, and you’ll find success. Take Action Now: Want to learn more about this? There’s a free mini-course that can help. If you know someone stuck in their life, share this with them! Your beliefs determine your success, and it’s as simple as that.

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