In order to achieve your future vision, you must have self discipline. With the proper approach, its easier to take directed action, regardless of your present emotional, psychological or physical state. It can be more difficult at certain times than others. That lifestyle can even seem unreachable, but it’s important we remember that no matter what, it’s still possible. And it’s all up to you!
I’m sure there are numerous qualities you like about yourself, that you’re surely proud of, since they directly contribute to your personal success and achievements. If there aren’t – stop to think of some…I’ll wait. Now, there’s also one simple time-saving hack that could bring you more self-confidence and abundance in everything you do. That productivity hack is mastering self discipline.
Self discipline is a type of behavior that is learned through persistent practice. It all stems from a choice that you consciously must make. Therefore, to unlock the mysterious chest of self discipline, you only need the right key.
The greatest secret for achieving this state of mind is this: don’t give up and be sure to forgive yourself when things don’t go according to your plan. It is never easy to establish a whole new way of thinking. So, don’t be too hard on yourself. When you make a mistake, just move on and try your best not to repeat it. If you don’t continually move forward, unwelcome emotions will arise, like anger and frustration, and emotional triggers only create obstacles on your journey.
Master Self Discipline in the modern world.
In today’s world of technology, when it’s all too easy to get distracted by so many different things, you need focus to acquire self discipline. Try to turn off your phone for a few hours, don’t check your e-mails more than a few times per day, or throw away the food you’re trying to avoid. These little things can really help to keep your mind focused and on-task. Ditch all the bad influences and remove possible temptations.
Realize, too, that you can take a break, just make sure it’s a short one. For example, if you’re dieting, then choose one day in a week to have a reasonable sized piece of chocolate cake; if you’re trying to save some money, spend a little bit less each time you go to the mall, or set a spending limit. Strict rules that you cannot or will not follow will do you no good. Besides, you will feel refreshed and at ease when you have a recess. After that little pause, you can get back in the saddle quickly and efficiently.
Finally, don’t postpone. If there’s something you need to do, do it right away! This will change your routine and habits immediately. If you have to do something, and put it off because you really don’t want to, you will only create unnecessary suffering continuing to think about it. Procrastination is your biggest enemy, and your discipline can completely fall apart once you start your own waiting lists.
You don’t have to sacrifice all your pleasures to achieve self discipline. Find a balance, and keep your mind clear, with positive thoughts. Learn to forgive yourself. But still, create a plan for commitment as well as for discipline and order.
Start where you are…
Work within your personal boundaries so that this new lifestyle will last. It defeats the point to live an insanely rigid lifestyle if you will only quit after a week. Maybe for now you can only handle one or two new disciplines per week before you run off chasing more freedom. Everyone has their own styles. Stay true to you. I don’t want you to start waking up at 4am every day if it isn’t conducive to the future that you are visualizing for yourself.
It’s entirely natural to be truly satisfied with everything you have, and still desire more. But, you will need self-discipline if you want to create a lasting change in your life.
Keep up the great work.
~Wishing you success,

Throughout my life there have been fundamental beliefs, ideas and principles that have helped me achieve success in many respects. I’ve benefited from many different schools of thought and learned from mentors of all different backgrounds and philosophies. The way I live my life and the concepts I teach are a reflection of these different points of view.