
Inner Critic Blog Post

Master Your Inner Critic to Be Successful

Our inner critic says, we get told the world is the way is and you just have to live your life inside that world as best you can. Try not to bash into the walls too much. Try to have a nice family, have fun, save a little money. Don’t step on toes, don’t be too cocky. That’s a very limited life. Life can be much broader once you discover one simple fact: Everything around you that you call ‘life’ was made up by people that were relatively no smarter than you. So, if you want to change something in your world… you can change it, you can influence it, you can build your own things that other people can use too. You are more useful than you know. Once you learn that, you’ll never be the same again. This is the advice I learned from Steve Jobs. You know that billionaire guy with the Apple fetish? He rocked. And more than that, he knew he did. That was the biggest secret to his success on and offline – like you, he initially thought ‘I don’t want a job. I want to be an entrepreneur’. Most of us end there and then let self-doubt cloud any potential of getting any further. We make a few bucks, we live pretty comfortable and we dream realistically. We see the obstacles. But obstacles don’t stop us from going further, as we may think – it is actually how resourceful we are in dealing with them. We can’t let a few trials dictate to us where our ceiling of success is. And while being safe instead of bold is a good strategy if you like this life… there is no harm in a little self-love. It is this that creates the boldness, and ultimately the desired results. If you wonder what being bold has to do with being successful or you think that talking about self-love is a little too ‘new-agey’… then let’s get scientific. 55% of all of our communication (that is how we present ourselves to the world) is not what we say or the words we decide to use. It is our body language. It is what we do with our face and our tone. The words you say are a side note. And so, it is essential to believe in yourself each day before you ever set foot online thinking you’re going to make a million because – heck – if you don’t believe it and you are not congruent, not one customer is going to believe that you’re the one to solve all their problems either. So next time your inner critic says ‘I don’t want to sell myself’ or ‘I’m not sure people will like my product’ or ‘Am I charging/asking too much?’, make sure that the answer to that is in line with how much you value yourself. Be the value and people will pick up on it. Tell yourself you have lots to offer and that you can do it. And why not… many people talk to themselves negatively all day long and have nothing to show for it. So why not try looking at things differently? I’ll say it one last time… you want to succeed. Do it from the inside out – believe you can first. Don’t let your inner critic run the show. Believe you are worth that money. It is from a place of fear and worry that most people never pick up that phone and call when they should, most people never ask for what they want (at the price they want) when they know they should. That’s what separates the people that do things from the people who just dream about them. It’s up to you to take action. You must be willing to fail. You’ve got to be willing to crash and burn. And when it is all done and it’s time to get up, it’s not your legs that will lift you… it’ll be your self-belief, not your inner critic. Take a deep breath and say it out loud – “I am worth it!” Now get to work.

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Focus is the most powerful magnet for success

Focus on The Most Powerful Magnet for Success (or Failure)

“You can’t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.” ~ Mark Twain Remember old fashioned cameras (or any that weren’t in your phone)? They had intricate lenses you had to focus by hand. The process was very precise and technical and your results were 100% determined by… …what you focused on. If you didn’t get the results you wanted, it was because the lens wasn’t focused properly. One little tic to the right or left and you would’ve had the perfect shot. Right? The good news about that is that you had the power to shift the focus (and the result) of the image. Today I’d like to explore something that you can do, just like shifting the focus point on a camera… …to shift the results of your life. We all want the “tack sharp” beautiful, abundant, fulfilling life of our daydreams, right? Here’s how you get it: Focus ​​As many coaches and inspirational leaders so often say: “What you focus on determines your results.” And they are right. I’ve been using this principle in my life, very successfully, for decades. And I’ve seen it happen with other people, over and over again, with terrific results. In order to get what you want in life… …you must focus your mind toward what you want, and away from what you don’t want. Your brain is a very powerful magnet – and it operates like a search engine. It acts like a heat-seeking missile, drawing to you whatever it is you are focusing on. And the more energy, vibrancy, and passion you conjure up in your imagination… …the harder your brain works to make those thoughts your reality. Whatever you focus on most – the failure or the success, the love or the betrayal, the win or the loss – the more situations, people and resources you will attract to make the object of your focus a reality. The Science of Focus This isn’t just woo-woo, pie-in-the-sky thinking. There are scientific reasons and countless studies that prove this out. Your brain has a mechanism called the Reticular Activating System (RAS). The (RAS) is a bundle of nerves at your brainstem that filters out unnecessary information so the important stuff gets through. The RAS is the reason you learn a new word and then start hearing it everywhere. This is why you can tune out a crowd full of talking people, yet immediately snap to attention when someone says your name or something that at least sounds like it. It’s the reason you see BMWs everywhere, the moment you decide to buy a BMW. It’s why red flags go up when you sense something isn’t on the up-and-up. Or why you trip on the same pothole every time. It’s also the reason – if you focus too often on how hard something is – your brain automatically leaps to the obstacles and not the solutions. In effect…it attracts the obstacles, rather than the solutions. Training Your Brain As you can see, it’s very important that your mind leans toward what you want, toward resourceful thoughts and feelings that serve you, and away from those that quietly sabotage you. Bear in mind, “positive thinking” isn’t automatic or easy. It doesn’t come to us naturally. And there’s a scientific reason for that… In case you’re feeling bad about yourself for being “negative” too often. Our brain, since caveman days, had to be alert to potential dangers in order to survive. We evolved as a species by being highly aware of our surroundings. We were ingrained, for our very survival, to focus on the potentially negative… …to spend time, energy, and resources on potential dangers. This is why it’s so easy, so automatic, to focus on the negative things that may – or may not – happen in our lives. But this habit can be changed. You can retrain your brain, and make positive, resourceful thoughts and feelings become your automatic response. A side note: Don’t feel bad when you find yourself traveling down a dark tunnel of fears, doubts, and “what-ifs”. Your brain is pre-wired that way. But you can retrain your brain to lean in a new direction…toward the resourceful thoughts that serve you, instead of those that ultimately sabotage you. Keep using your Holosync, and be on the alert for negative thoughts and feelings. As soon as you recognize them, flip them over. Find the opposite feelings, the positive results, the great outcomes…and aim your brain on those things instead. You will find – with that same powerful magnet known as your brain that you’re automatically attracting good, abundant and beautiful things into your life.

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Finding Confidence to embrace life's big decisions

Finding Confidence To Embrace Life’s Big Decisions & Overcome Fear of…

Confidence comes from a latin word affīdāre which means “to trust oneself”; therefore, finding confidence is just having more trust in one’s self and fear of failure. Confidence is a state of being clear headed either that a hypothesis is correct or that a chosen course of action is the best or most effective. I talk to a lot of sales professionals and entrepreneurs, people starting their own businesses, and they want to learn: “How can I develop more confidence or even just get myself a bit more confident so that I can be more successful in what I do?” In order to make this happen, we have to realize where confidence comes from and what finding confidence means. Finding confidence is basically your ability to take action and feel good about yourself and the results of the action. Feeling like whatever it is you’re about to jump into, you can do a good job and you can come out of it looking and feeling good. Now, this doesn’t happen by accident. When you look at the way confidence shows up in our lives, it appears as a result of doing things over and over again and developing a proficiency from it. Confidence, in and of itself, is not something that you’re born with or not born with. It’s something that’s developed over time through practice and repetition. When you first learned to walk, at 12 or 13-months old or whatever it may be for you; you weren’t very confident at walking. In fact, you couldn’t walk at all. But you were determined to try, and determined to succeed. You stood on the side of the sofa and you pushed yourself off and you would fall. You would try it again and you would maybe balance for a bit and then fall. But you would do it over and over again.   Your level of confidence in the beginning was tiny. In fact, there probably was no confidence. But you were so determined to do it, that you kept going regardless of the outcome. Eventually you took a step, you followed that with another step, and soon enough you were walking and now you’re an adult and you can walk from one room to another, you can walk for miles as an exercise or whatever, and not even think about the act of walking. It’s just something that comes naturally to you now. If someone were to ask you your level of confidence on a scale of 0 to 10, how confident you are that you could walk across the room, you’d probably say 11. It isn’t even something that you ever think to question…You just do it. The same thing goes for finding confidence in all areas of life – including your professional life. Let’s say your success right now requires your ability to sell. Doesn’t matter what it is. To sell a product, to sell an idea, to sell a service, sell a training program. I don’t know what it is for you. You might not be confident in your ability to communicate value in a way that exceeds the expense and closes a deal. So the important question becomes, how are you going to find that confidence?  You weren’t born with it. Thinking about yourself going into a situation where you might have to sell somebody, makes you nervous or self-conscious. How do you get to a point where you’re confident in doing it no matter what you are selling? First, it’s natural to feel fear whenever you are stepping out of your comfort zone…it’s a biological response we have maintained from our “caveman brains”. Luckily there are many other, more evolved portions of our brain we can counter it with. So, the next time you’re feeling fearful, just try to put it into perspective. Recognize that fear is only a feeling, a chemical response to a thought. Fear can feel very, very real. But it’s only an emotion that survives and thrives when we feed it with our attention. The first step in mastering your fear of taking massive action is to remember to tell yourself that fear isn’t real – that it’s only a feeling that can’t hurt actually you. Remember, everyone experiences fear Everyone experiences fear before they try something new. Think Tony Robbins hasn’t experienced fear of failure? Sure he has, and I’m sure he would tell you that himself. Everyone has experienced fear of failure, the fear of looking like a fool, the fear of losing friends, the fear of being judged, a fear of being called an imposter, the fear of ending up worse than when you started, whatever it may be. In fact, statistics show that a whopping 85% of the population has some form of self-doubt. When a moment of panic comes over you, image your role model and remember that they too have experienced fear. But they moved through it anyway. Sometimes you’ll just have to do it afraid. Do it anyway. Take the first small step We’ve all heard Newton’s 1st Law of Motion: A body at rest tends to stay at rest, while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. Notice that feeling of fear, and then take that first small step in spite of it. Fear is a natural and required part of the process. Accept your ability to work through fear and do it anyway. You’ll learn from it and you’ll make mistakes and you’ll fall on your face, just like you fell when you were first learning how to walk. But you do this once and you’ll get a little bit of feedback, and you’ll get a little bit of insight.  Maybe you can even find a manager or mentor to review your work and see a couple of things that you could improve on in the future. This is incredibly valuable feedback. Go to the next project, make the corrections, make a little bit of an improvement, and you will increase your confidence. Maybe you don’t close the sale, but you go to

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An Entirely New Way to Look at Criticism

Almost any marketing coach can tell you stories of students who came to them for help in launching their product. The student has the product ready to go. Maybe it needs a few tweaks, but they are small things that could be done in a few days or maybe even in a few hours. We’re talking about products that in many cases are better quality than 90% of products out there. But they won’t launch the product. They keep telling themselves their product/service isn’t ready, that it needs improving, the time isn’t right, etc… They’re deceiving themselves. The real reason they’re not launching? FEAR. Stark terror that someone, somewhere, will dislike them or say something BAD about their product. Or worse yet – people will hate their product AND the product won’t sell. But here’s the fact to focus on instead: A product that is never launched makes no money. Period. Yes, someone might not like your product. So what? In fact, there could be HUNDREDS of people who don’t like your product. So what? If the product is selling, does it matter that some people don’t like it? Look at radio talk show hosts and commentators. They have thousands or in some cases hundreds of thousands of people who don’t like them. Yet they also have LOTS and LOTS of loyal followers willing to pay to hear them or jump on their recommended products. So how do you get over the fear of launching? Here’s one way: Agree with yourself that your product isn’t finished. That’s right – it isn’t done yet. But you’re going to launch ANYWAY. As you improve your product, you will send your customers updated versions. What’s that? You forgot to add a section about managing gophers to your gardening product? Add the section and send it out to buyers. Then add it to the product itself so all new buyers get it automatically. And then add a couple of bullets to your sales letter that let prospects know you cover gophers, too. Easy, right? In fact, this gives you an entirely new way to look at criticism. Instead of cringing and wishing you had done the product differently, you can objectively look at the criticism and decide if you want to make a change based on that feedback or not. This is a much more empowering point of view than hiding in the corner, fearful of any negative comment that might come your way. Now then, let’s look at a worst case scenario: You launch your product and the very first feedback you get is, “This product sucks, I want a refund!” If this happens, there is one of two things going on, and the next few days will tell you which one it is. If more people write back with similar comments, then maybe you do have a poor product. In that case, pull it, fix it and relaunch it. Or pull it and create something else. But if sales are good and refunds are low, then what you encountered on that first feedback was likely a chronic ‘refunder’ – one of those people who buy products with the intention of finding a miracle/instant fix…who immediately quit and ask for a refund. Don’t waste your time trying to help those people. Just know that the overwhelming majority of buyers don’t do this. Most buyers are good, honest, decent people. The few who do chronically refund are just a minor annoyance that ALL product sellers have to put up with, including the big names in your niche and elsewhere. So don’t sweat it! Give them their refund and if you have the capability, block them from buying from you again, just to avoid aggravation down the line when you launch your next product. Fear of launching your product is a fear of leaving your comfort zone. Comfort zones are… well… comfy. Cozy. Warm. Secure. Safe. But sometimes you have to take a deep breath, hit the button and launch your new product to the world. Don’t worry – it gets less scary each time you do it. And you’re never alone. Even product creators who have made millions still get plenty nervous when it’s time to launch their new creation. It’s a natural reaction. The point is, you can’t let a case of nerves, no matter how bad they are, get in the way of moving forward and launching your product. Find out what you need to use to get yourself to launch. Is it a reward? Blackmail? A psychological trick? A reminder of WHY you are doing this? I know one marketer who imagines hurling himself into battle each time he launches. Another one keeps photos of his family at his desk to remind him of why he needs to overcome his fear. And a third bribes herself with a 4 day vacation for each product she launches. Whatever it takes to get you to launch – just do it. Of course, it always helps to have a coach or mentor on your side – so if you don’t have one of those yet – get one! ~Wishing you success!Drew

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Fear of taking action

How To Overcome a Fear of Taking Action

Fear of taking significant steps towards our dreams is a common experience we all share. It’s essential to understand that fear is a natural reaction to leaving our comfort zones. However, acknowledging fear is different from allowing it to immobilize us. To transition from fear to action, consider these strategies that can help you gain perspective and move forward effectively. Understanding Fear as an Emotion Fear, while intense and sometimes overwhelming, is just an emotion. It’s a relic from our ancestral past when physical dangers like predators were a real concern. Today, our fears are often psychological, rooted in concerns about social acceptance or financial stability. By recognizing that fear is an internal response rather than a reflection of external reality, we can start to diminish its power over our actions. Universal Experience of Fear Remember, you’re not alone in feeling fearful. Even the most successful people, like Tony Robbins, have faced fear of failure or judgment. This universal experience means that fear isn’t an insurmountable obstacle but a common hurdle that everyone encounters. When you feel fear creeping in, think of those you admire who have pushed through their fears to achieve great things. This realization can be a powerful motivator to act despite fear. Initiating Movement with Small Steps The hardest part of overcoming fear is often just getting started. Inspired by Newton’s 1st Law of Motion, taking the first small step can set the stage for continuous progress. This initial action, no matter how small, can shift your mindset from fear to empowerment, sparking a cycle of positive actions and outcomes. Once you start, the momentum you build will make the next steps easier and more exciting. Seeking Support When Needed If fear seems too daunting to tackle alone, it’s okay to seek support. Reach out to friends, family, or professionals who understand your goals and can provide encouragement. A simple conversation can offer new perspectives, alleviate fears, and strengthen your resolve to move forward. Having a support system can be incredibly reassuring, providing the extra push needed to take action. In conclusion, transforming fear into action requires self-awareness, understanding, and a willingness to take small, consistent steps towards your goals. Remember, fear is a common emotion that can be managed and overcome with the right strategies and support. Embrace the journey of personal growth and let your actions define your path to success.

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How Successful Affiliates Are Making More Commissions Than Their Competitors

Affiliate marketing is the easiest way to make money online, without having to create your own products, build a formal website, or design a sales page with integrated payment processing. So, why is it that most affiliate marketers never make nearly what they could make? Anyone has the potential to make HUGE money in affiliate marketing, yet > 90% or more of affiliates make a pittance. Think about this: If you earn an average of $50 on each sale in a sales funnel you promote, and you make 6 sales, you’ve made $300. Sounds good, right? But guaranteed, there is something else who made 600 sales and walked away with $30,000. Why did they make 600 sales when you made just 6? There are reasons why a handful of affiliate marketers do amazingly well, and everyone else barely makes a profit. And marketers who understand this will always have a tremendous advantage over marketers who don’t. 1. Build a Relationship I know you’ve heard it before, but are you doing it? People buy people, not products. If you want them to open your email and click your link, or visit your Facebook Group and click a link, you’ve got to have a RELATIONSHIP with your people. This is so simple to do, yet few marketers take the time. Start with a blog post that is all about you, and then send new opt-ins to the post so they can get to know you better. Make the post silly, funny and most of all REAL. Talk about the stupid stuff you’ve done, the mistakes you’ve made, where you live and what your goals are. Don’t even think about affiliate marketing yet. Do you have a strange hobby or unusual taste in food? Include that. Do you have 17 pets? Talk about them. Do you work until 3 in the morning and sleep until noon? Mentions that too. Reveal the real you. Not the details people don’t want, but the ones that amuse and interest. You’re looking to make a real connection, not apply for a job, nobody wants your resume. And above all else, don’t make your life seem like a series of magnificent accomplishments. No one is going to relate to someone who turns everything they touch into gold. But they are going to relate to the time you bought Bitcoin when it was worthless and sold it just before it took off, or the time you thought you could fly and jumped off your parent’s back deck into the pool. And don’t stop with your ‘about me’ page, either. Use this relationship building in your lead magnets, your emails, your other blog posts, etc. Always inject a little bit about yourself in everything you do. Not so much that you bore people, or make everything seem about you, but just enough to keep it real. Think about relating an event to a friend. Aren’t you going to give your own perceptions of what happened, as well as tell about how you got out of your car and stepped into the mud puddle just before your big presentation? Use this same method of personal, one-on-one friend communication with your readers and followers. Post on your blog as often as possible, at least once a week, but as much as every day. Encourage your list to follow you on social media or subscribe to your list so they know when you add a new post. Your readers will realize you’re a real person who isn’t out to pitch them a new product every 5-minutes. So, they’ll gladly read your sales emails much more readily when they know there is a real live human being who is sending them these messages. 2. Use Your Own Voice Just because you’re doing affiliate marketing, doesn’t mean you need to act like someone else. How many emails do you receive that say something along the lines of, “Buy this product – this product is the greatest product ever – you will be sorry if you miss this – this is the one thing that will help you create success – but it now.” Yeah. Same old stuff, over and over again. There is a marketer (or maybe several, but I’m thinking of one in particular) who sells MASSIVE quantities of this exact type of emails as a swipe file to new marketers. Like a brand-new marketer couldn’t write their own 25-word email that basically says, “buy this magic product now.” People don’t like getting sold to and are TIRED of seeing this crap. You’re tired of getting these emails. I’m tired of getting these emails. Same phrases, same message, same B.S. If you’re not going to stand apart from the crowd, then you’re going to have to share the same crumbs they’re getting. Here’s what to say: Instead, take 30-minutes and write your own promotional email with your own voice. You can even do this by dictating and having a free software like Google Docs to type the email for you! Forget about all the hype. Be sincere, be honest. “Hey, this product isn’t for everyone. I don’t even know if it’s for you. But, if you have this problem, then maybe this is your solution. Check it out and decide if it’s right for you, because I know it’s worked like crazy for some people, including me.” I’ve written emails where I basically tell people not to buy something unless they really really want it or need it. “Don’t buy this if you already know how to do XYZ.” “Don’t buy this if you’re not going to be doing this type of marketing.” This is only for people who want _______. It’s like I’m trying to talk them out of it, which paradoxically often results in more sales, not fewer. But the point isn’t tricking people into buying, it’s to be honest. You know this, but the latest, greatest product you’re promoting isn’t for everyone on your list. Some of them sure, but

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Perfectionism is Really Just Procrastination

Let’s explore how perfectionism is really just another form of procrastination. If you continue finding yourself locked into being a perfectionist, it will waste a lot of your time and energy. At a certain extent, the more energy you put into making something perfect, the less real productivity you’ll experience. Everyone has some measure of perfectionism within them. We set our own high goals and then push ourselves to achieve them. We have high personal standards and integrity, and that always makes us want to do our best. This dedication to perfection helps us get the results we want and enjoy the success that comes with achieving our goals. But perfectionism, in an extreme sense, has more negative repercussions than positive results. Some examples of how perfectionism aids procrastination: Math shows perfectionism can turn into procrastination. A bell curve is commonly divided into standard deviations. There are 3+ standard deviations in each curve, where each standard deviation takes the same amount of time/energy to accomplish. So, in order to reach 70% it’s 1 standard deviation, from 70% up to 95% is the 2nd standard deviation; and the 3rd only brings you brings you from 95% to 99.7%. With that knowledge, we can see that it will take us the exact same amount of time to get 3 products/offers to 70% completion, as it will to bring 1 product to 99.7% completion. Nothing will ever actually reach 100% complete. There will always be something you can do differently. This is why many large companies, like Microsoft or Apple, have been shown launching products at that 70% point, and then making additional refinements and updates as they learn of different bugs or issues. I’m sure you can see why they may take this strategy! Now, surprisingly, we’re not saying that you should stop being a perfectionist. But you should, however, be aware of when your perfectionist tendencies go overboard. Keep tabs on yourself so you can be honest when you are instead procrastinating by using the excuse of wanting to make something perfect. Always keep a balance between perfection and productivity, and procrastination will become a thing of the past! This starts by increasing your awareness and empowering your mind. This free course is a great place to start. You may also enjoy this blog post on the power of focus.

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Develop a growth mindset & do everything better

Develop a Growth Mindset & Do Everything Better!

When deciding what new habit to pursue, it’s easy to look at all the things we shouldn’t do as a place to begin. We want to stop smoking or stress eating. We want to learn how to say ‘no’ or to quit spending so much time on social media. Have you ever considered the flipside of all that by building a habit that’s positive? What if the habit you formed was one of growth and personal development? Having a growth mindset positively impacts your life in multiple ways, so it’s a great healthy habit to build into your life. What are the benefits of developing a growth mindset? 1. You keep learning. Learning is important as you not only discover new ways to do things, but by making a practice of constantly learning, you develop new ways of thinking, and start having new ideas. Learning connects you with more of the world and helps you see things with a deeper significance than you ever thought possible. But more than that, people who stop learning very quickly become stagnant…and unfulfilled. Studies have shown that the practice of learning new things when you are older helps ward off problems related to dementia. In short, learning is good for your brain! 2. You expand your awareness. As we learn new things, we adapt and change how we think. That gives us the ability to see other solutions to problems that would have frustrated us in the past. In a sense, this expanded awareness allows us to think out of the box and become more resourceful. By challenging yourself to grow, you learn how to find new paths and overcome previously impassable obstacles. How about some more actionable benefits? 3. You learn how to embrace challenges. Growth can be challenging, and scary. But by pushing yourself to grow, that means you’re also pushing yourself to look at everything differently; your personal abilities, your influence in your life, the world around you is working for you, previous “challenges” no longer cause stress, anxiety, or overwhelm. An obstacle now becomes an opportunity to learn something new and to do things in a way you haven’t tried before. That’s exciting…not scary. 4. You learn how to embrace failure. When you’re interested in growing as an individual, you start to see failure differently. Everything becomes a potential lesson in a way that you didn’t think would work. For every failure that you make, you figure out something that didn’t work, and you are one step closer to finding the solution. On to the next one! 5. You become more open to criticism. By embracing a willingness to grow, you start to see that sometimes the input of other people has significance. You see their words not so much as something negative, but something you can use to develop as a person and learn something about yourself, or how you engage with others. You might not always like the lesson, or agree with it, but that’s part of growing too. Keep in mind: life doesn’t happen on your schedule, things are not always linear, and sometimes the lesson isn’t always clear…until later. Who doesn’t want to be…better at everything? By embracing personal growth, you uncover and fortify the best version of yourself. You’re able to become more than you ever thought possible, and then surprise yourself again by finding out that you can become more still. You’ll find that the furthest edges of yourself are far beyond what you thought you ever could be. To jumpstart your growth mindset – check out my free Mindset Shifts mini-course.

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Does Success Have A Finish Line?

Is your measure of success clear or are you striving for an undefined finish line? When you go on a vacation you know where you are starting from, where you are going and how you are going to get there. Even if you aren’t travelling to a new location, you are aiming for a new destination. If you want to bring success into your life, then those same elements are key. To create success, you must be clear on where you are right now, as well as what achieving success looks like to you. Success looks different for everyone so each of us must complete their own quest. As such, there are certain lessons that you must learn on your own in order to level-up in your life.   To discover what success means to you, just follow this system. In the steps below you can create a plan to achieve the success you desire in whatever area of your personal or professional life you choose. You will discover the success habits you need to include in your life to achieve your goals. First, you need to decide exactly what you want to achieve (your goal) before you can expect to achieve it. Write it down. Be very descriptive and use the present tense as if it’s happening NOW. Write down WHY achieving this goal is so important to you. What does it mean to you? How motivated are you to achieve this goal? Then, write down how you will FEEL when you finally achieve your goal. How will your life look? How will your thoughts, feelings, or emotions change? Again, be very specific and detailed, and write using the present tense. Next, write down your current situation and how that makes you feel. Although that is how you feel right now, try writing it in the past tense. This will help you in changing the way you think about your situation and moving towards creating the success you want. Your mind will begin to distance itself from your current situation and further support you in moving towards your goal. You now have your starting and ending points on your journey to success. Now you need to find out HOW you are going to get there… What needs to change within you to shift your perception of your current situation and to get you from where you are to where you want to be? Write down each step. You will find that you will need to look at your mind-set, behavior and habits…your reticular activating system will actually prevent you from seeing possible scenarios that are contrary to your controlling beliefs. Identify potential blocks to achieving your goal. Write them down and add how you will overcome them if they pop up. If you cannot imagine possible obstacles or how to overcome them, then leave space to add to this section later. Clarity in this step will make this journey much less intimidating. By completing the tasks above you are conquering one of the key success habits; goal setting. You are also learning to understand yourself better, which is crucial for success because self-knowledge and a positive mindset will allow you be more resourceful in the moment using your natural skills. To achieve success you need to understand what success is, what it means to you and how you will achieve it. Then you need to take deliberate action. If you enjoyed this exercise and would like to try my newest Alphadog Awareness mini-course you can still get it for FREE here. ~Wishing you success!

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How A Flexible Definition Of Success Creates More Fulfillment

I get this question a lot given the name of my business (Alphadog Success). But it’s also something that I make sure to ask every person I speak with when working in a coaching or mentorship role. In everything I do, success is my goal. The word, “success,” holds special meaning for me. When I am successful, I accomplish my intended purpose in a given situation. When I try to do my best job at work and I achieve that, then I am successful. Although success sometimes eludes me, my intent in life is to succeed each time it is within my power. Trying times occur in my life, just as it does for everyone else and I accept this fact. Yet, I also know that I put forth my best efforts in even the toughest of circumstances. In conversations with my spouse, I always attempt to exert my attention, patience, and best communication skills to arrive at a successful exchange. She is very emotional, and I am much more intellectual. So, we speak different languages, and sometimes it can be more difficult for us to convey seemingly simple concepts to one another. With my dogs (and cats), I strive to have a positive impact and demonstrate understanding and loving care toward them at all times. They don’t have the same perspective of the world that we do, and it takes a lot of self-restraint sometimes to not get frustrated or annoyed with their behavior. As the workplace presents its own special challenges, I accept there may be times when I lack complete control over how things proceed. However, I still make success my goal…always. Sometimes, my view of what success looks like in a situation changes. But this fact shows my flexibility and reflects that the meaning of success can vary, depending on the specific details of a situation. It is important that you allow for some flexibility in your plan and your vision of success. Don’t be so hard on yourself if things don’t work out exactly as planned. Have you ever proposed to a significant other? And did it go as planned? The reality is that something that emotionally charged will rarely go as you envisioned it would. But as long as you are true to yourself and your relationship, then that doesn’t make it any less special. Today, regardless of the circumstances, success is my goal. Life is good, largely due to my daily efforts to succeed. I’ve come up with a few question for you to ask yourself, and I want you to really take the time to reflect on these questions enough to draft an answer. And make sure to record your answer! I don’t care if it’s written or typed, but until you get those words out of your head – this is just like any other thought. Self-Reflection Questions: Everything starts with your Mind. If you aren’t in control of your mind, you will never be able to control your success. Click the banner below to learn more about my free Alphadog Awareness Mindset Mini-Class or visit: https://alphadogsuccess.com/mini-class

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