All individuals encounter challenges that demand decision-making. The distinction between success and failure lies in our awareness and approach to these challenges. Obsessing over outcomes generates undue stress, often perceived as worrying, and can lead us down a path of negative anticipation, limiting our view to a binary choice and potential failure.
The Peril of Contracted Awareness:
Contracted awareness, or a reactive mindset, lays the groundwork for decisions stemming from fear, doubt, and worry, leaving us susceptible to making choices based on negative emotions. It emphasizes problems and the worst possible outcomes, rather than potential solutions and positive possibilities. Examples of situations bred by reduced awareness include expecting the worst, acting impulsively, clinging to fear, playing the victim role, obsessing over control, disregarding sound advice, and ignoring underlying intentions.
Overcoming Reduced Awareness:
Acknowledging the existence of reduced awareness and its limiting perspective is the first step towards empowerment and accessing the universe’s boundless possibilities. We must delve within and explore our emotional sphere, recognizing the emotions triggered by our decisions and honoring them.
Elevate Your Awareness:
1. Analyze Your Awareness State:
- Before implementing change, understand how your thoughts are constricting and creating issues. Achieve self-awareness by acknowledging your feelings, assumptions, expectations, and core beliefs with honesty and vulnerability.
2. Ascend to the Solution Level:
- Contemplate a proactive approach, focusing on resolutions rather than the problem. Expanding your perspective allows you to discern other aspects, often revealing unexpected solutions.
3. Embrace Scenario Ambiguity:
- Avoid binary thinking in decision-making and embrace each situation’s uncertainty, recognizing the potential for both positive and negative outcomes.
The Harmony of Awareness and Decision-Making:
By engaging with life and ourselves with complete awareness, we foster a decision-making environment where each choice, whether leading to success or a learning opportunity, enriches our experience and understanding. Embrace the ambiguity and uncertainty inherent in each situation, recognizing the possibility of growth and learning in every decision made. The journey of awareness and improved decision-making, enveloped in self-honesty and expanded perspective, paves the way for unceasing personal and professional development.
In the realm of complete awareness, every decision contributes to growth and enlightenment, translating into consistent win-win outcomes. The true essence of successful decision-making intertwines with total self-awareness, understanding our emotional dynamics, and acknowledging the boundless possibilities beyond the binary scope of right or wrong. As we traverse the path of life’s challenges, let us carry the lantern of awareness, illuminating the trail of informed decisions, learning, and incessant growth.
~ Wishing You Success and Enhanced Awareness!
Throughout my life there have been fundamental beliefs, ideas and principles that have helped me achieve success in many respects. I’ve benefited from many different schools of thought and learned from mentors of all different backgrounds and philosophies. The way I live my life and the concepts I teach are a reflection of these different points of view.