Author name: Drew

Throughout my life there have been fundamental beliefs, ideas and principles that have helped me achieve success in many respects. I’ve benefited from many different schools of thought and learned from mentors of all different backgrounds and philosophies. The way I live my life and the concepts I teach are a reflection of these different points of view.

Discover Your Personal Power and Tap Into Your Inner Strength

Unlock Your Personal Power by Doing More Inner Work

Understanding What Personal Power Is Before we get into techniques for developing your personal power, it’s important to understand what exactly it is. Many people associate personal power with force, but it’s actually the ability to take action and make things happen without forcing them. When you have personal power, you’re able to accomplish what you set out to do, whether that means achieving your goals or making decisions about how you want to live your life. Personal power comes from within you. It’s a part of who you are and how you approach the world. Learning how to tune into yours can help foster greater strength and well-being in every aspect of your life. Now that we know a little more about what personal power is, let’s look at some simple ways to start developing yours today! How to Gain Self-Confidence – Personal power doesn’t exist without self-confidence. Being able to access your inner power can be a difficult task, but it is one that is worth the effort. When you tap into your inner strength, you will feel more confident and capable than ever before. To gain self confidence, you must first have a strong sense of self-esteem. Like a seedling nourished with the right nutrients and sunshine, your self-esteem will grow with the proper care and feeding. Self confidence comes from within, and increases/decreases based on our thoughts and self talk. When you look in the mirror, tell yourself how great you look today! On your commute to work, feel good about all the things you’ll achieve! At the end of your work day, reflect on how much closer to your goals you are. Develop a healthy lifestyle so that your body feels and operates at its best. Eat nutritious foods and get all your vitamins. Sleep at least eight hours every night so that your mind is sharp during the day and can feel good about accomplishing goals! You must feel rested and recharged to operate in peak performance. Developing Personal Power By Improving Self-Image and Self-Esteem Your self-esteem depends on your vision of who you are. It comes from a combination of things like your parents’ views, your own experiences, and how you interpret the world around you. If your parents always told you that you were great, and if people always treated you with kindness and respect, then it’s likely that your self-image will be positive. But like anything else in life, developing a strong self-image is not only about what happened to us in the past. It’s also about what we do now. Self-image is not just how we see ourselves; it’s also how we present ourselves to others. You can take control of both aspects by focusing on enhancing the good feelings and thoughts you have about yourself while diminishing the bad ones. To tap into your personal power, there are four steps that you will need to take. The first step is to identify what makes you feel strong and powerful. This may be something that reminds you of your favorite childhood memories or something as simple as a song that always makes you happy. The second step is to find an activity or food that helps increase your energy levels when they are low. Third, take time for yourself every day to de-stress and recharge so that you can be in top form when tackling challenges. Finally, make sure to get enough sleep each night so your body and mind has time to process the previous day and prepare for the next. Learn How to Have Courage and Overcome Fear You know that fear is a normal part of life, but you may not know why. Fear can be an inconvenience, but it can also be a motivating force. It’s important to learn how to deal with fear and recognize the warning signs of other types of anxiety or phobias. Stop letting others push your buttons and learn to take control of your own mind. Personal power is the energy that we give ourselves to live a happy and healthy life. But we must love and respect ourselves, have courage in our thoughts and actions, and not let fear control us. We can recognize when we are using or not using our personal power by understanding the signs of low energy. These are the things that we experience when we are feeling low on energy: Overcome anxiety by taking steps to improve your body’s ability to cope with stress, including food as medicine, relaxation techniques like meditation and yoga, fitness for the mind, positive thinking, journaling, and positive expectations about yourself. Set and Achieve Your Goals Have you ever noticed that it’s easier to set and reach a goal when you write it down? One of the greatest ways to help yourself reach your goals is to break them down into smaller, more actionable steps. For example, let’s talk about making a smoothie. If you’re just starting out, you should avoid adding too many ingredients to your drink. Instead, make two small smoothies. One with some healthy ingredients, and the next with more. Keep doing this until finally you’re able to drink a healthy smoothie without struggling! Patterns are everywhere in life: in relationships, in nature, in the world around us. We can’t stop ourselves from feeling like we need something from someone else or want something extra from life. The great thing about patterns is that they have the opposite effect on some people. They have the opposite effect on me for sure! Every time I’ve tried going through all my clutter and cleaning everything up, I ended up feeling more overwhelmed than before. It wasn’t until I started thinking about what my habits are (how much stuff do I own?) as opposed to just wanting more things that everything started getting better for me. Use the Power of Your Mind to Expand Your Reality In your everyday life, you may not think much about the power of

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Mindset Shifts For More Success

8 Simple Mindset Shifts That Will 10X Your Success

Your mindset controls your reality and shifting it is something that is ALWAYS within your power. So, when things feel slow, stagnant, or difficult, consider how you may be able to shift your perspective to a more empowing and success-oriented mindset. Mindset Shift 1: Time is precious. Firstly, our time is finite, but most of us live contradictory to that. Change your mindset around how you think about time. We waste years at jobs we hate, stay with people we’re not entirely happy with, and tolerate situations that don’t make us feel fulfilled. Remind yourself that time is your most precious resource. Mindset Shift 2: It all starts in the mind. All you have control over is your mindset. You can work to influence the world around you, but that strategy can have varying results. By learning to master the internal world you’ll then be able to influence your external reality and realize a far greater power. The change starts from within. Mindset Shift 3: Be Grateful. The benefits of gratitude are backed by science; it improves your well-being. Gratitude shifts the mind from “I need” or “I don’t have enough” to “I’m so happy” and “I have enough.” Most importantly, the effort to change this mindset is minimal, but the difference is monumental. By expressing gratitude, you’ll draw things to you that are alinged with this new through structure, attracting more things to be grateful for. Mindset Shift 4: Be Present. The ability to quietly be with yourself and be aware of what is occurring around you is a skill you have to work hard on. It will improve the quality of your mind. To be in the moment is a powerful experience full of benefits. Mindset Shift 5: Happiness is not in the material. We all intellectually believe that the quest for material goods will not make us happy over the long term. It was a lie sold to us, that even today, most still think material goods are the ultimate sign of success. They are not. Freedom is success – not stuff. Having money to experience that freedom is a necessary evil. Mindset Shift 6: Remember your WHY. When you’re working towards a big goal, figuring out your “why” is one of the most critical mindset shifts you need to cultivate. If you are struggling with motivation right now, lost your way, or are just starting out, this is the place to begin. With clarity around your “why,” your mindset will be primed for action. Mindset Shift 7: Make Failure Positive. It’s natural to see failure as negative; after all, you did something, and it wasn’t successful. However, you should see each failure as a valuable opportunity for personal growth. A chance to grow that will inevitably lead to more success in the future. Mindset Shift 8: Apply what you learn. Study – practice – teach is my philosophy. It is easy to consume large quantities of information and obtain knowledge. However, there’s very little connection between gathering knowledge and actual achievement. You need to make an effort to apply what you learn actively. As you apply this principle over time, it will become a part of you. Study the information, put it into practice, and teach others around you through your example of creating success in your life. ***To learn more about working with me as a coach – get in touch.

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ideal client

How Your Ideal Client Saves Your Time And Money

Why is an Ideal Client important? One of the most fundamental aspects of your marketing, product development and business plan is knowing who your ideal client is. Without this knowledge, you won’t know how to write your content in a way that’s attractive to your clients, and you won’t be able to tailor your products or services to their unique needs. When I talk about content I mean everything that you develop for your clients or potential clients to draw them to you and help you solve the problems that they face in their everyday lives, so everything hinges on this. When you know who your ideal clients are, your client attraction efforts will become vastly more effective, because you’ll be able to pinpoint what they want, what challenges they have, where they’re looking for information about your industry, and what trends and mindsets influence the way they search for products and choose who to buy from. In this blog post, I’ll bust some myths about having ideal clients that cost businesses thousands of dollars each year, and I’ll tell you the nine things you need to know about your ideal client, as well as how to choose your ideal client if you aren’t sure who they are. Why some businesses avoid having ideal clients: One of the costliest myths that businesses fall for is the idea that they don’t need an ideal client. Some of their reasons seem sound, but they’re based on misconceptions about what clients want and how client attraction works. Here are two of the reasons why people fall into that trap: Reason 1: They’re afraid of driving clients away. If you could potentially target a wide range of different demographics, why would you want to alienate some of them by narrowing your niche? That’s a fear that many business owners have when they first start to consider identifying an ideal client. They believe that the wider the net they cast, the more clients they’ll draw in. Reason 2: Their product could be used by anyone. Some businesses could, in theory, serve almost any client under the sun. Life coaches who teach universal success principles that apply to anyone, chiropractors who could work on anyone who has a spine, and businesses that sell food are all examples of people with a very broad potential audience. If you’re in such an industry, why would you want to narrow your client base? Why not having an ideal client WILL cost you: If you share these concerns about having an ideal client, here are four truths about client attraction that should put your mind at ease: What’s attractive to one client won’t be attractive to others. People are the most inclined to make a purchase when your marketing speaks to their exact challenges and needs. When someone looks at your offer, they should think “Yes – that’s EXACTLY what I need! It’s like that product was made for me!” If you try to create and sell offerings that are meant to apply to everyone, there’s a good chance that they’ll be partly applicable to everyone, but ideal for no one. Your clients will look at your offer and think, “Some of that looks good, but a lot of it just doesn’t apply to me”. If someone is motivated enough that they’re actively looking to buy, the chances are good that they’re looking for something in specific. An offer that’s only a partial match, or that seems to be designed with a different demographic in mind, will be rejected. One excellent example I’ve heard a few times is that of a pharmacy. If you try to sell an “everything pill”, will anybody trust it enough to buy it? Probably not – and even if they did, there’s a good chance that they wouldn’t think to look for it. If you have a headache, the chances are good that you’re looking for a pill designed to treat headaches. Unless you were already aware of the “everything pill” before your search began, it probably won’t even occur to you to look for it. You could walk right past it and not even register it. When you know exactly who your clients are, what they need, and what they struggle with, you’ll be able to create products and marketing materials that are exactly what they’re looking for, and you can learn their language and phrase your marketing in ways that appeal strongly to them. You don’t want to waste your time and budget on people who are less inclined to buy. Your ideal clients aren’t the ONLY people who will buy from you, but they are the people who are the most likely to make a purchase. If you were fishing, would you cast your line or drop your net repeatedly in random parts of the lake, or would you specifically target the areas where you knew you’d catch the most fish?  Would you use bait or a lure that’s good for all kinds of fish, or the ones that will attract the specific type of fish you’re looking to catch? The same principle applies to marketing. You’ll never have the time and budget to reach ALL the possible demographics at once, so you should spend that time and money on the demographic that needs and wants your product the most, and that’s the most likely to make a purchase. You don’t WANT to attract every type of client. Not every client is a good one, especially if you’re selling services as opposed to products. If you’re going to have to spend any amount of time working with a client, you don’t want to attract the kind of people who are lukewarm about your services, and who will drag their feet, complain, nitpick, make unreasonable demands, hamper your efforts, and prove impossible to please. You also don’t want to attract people who aren’t able to get the full benefit from your offering. If something outside of your control will prevent you from getting

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9 Steps To Building A Successful Business

9 Simple Steps To Build A Successful Business

Follow these nine simple steps to build a business more effectively, efficiently, and with less wasted time and money. Step #1 Get super clear on your BIG “Why” The most important secret to having a successful business is to be very clear about why you’re doing it. If you have a thorough understanding of what this business means to you on a personal level, it will motivate you and see you past the stressful times. Step #2 Have a solid, yet flexible plan You wouldn’t drive across country without a map. It’s even more important to chart your course when you’re starting your business. Of course, you need the traditional elements of a business plan like your company’s description products and services, strategy, market analysis, financial projections, etc. You also need to think about some other things like It’s critical to set very clear goals so that you know what you’re working toward in your business. Otherwise, it’s too easy to get distracted and lose sight of your goals. Step #3: Understand your numbers. Treat your business like a business and not an expensive hobby. You’re in business to make money. You started your business to do what you love, but you have to remember that you can’t accomplish any of it unless you’re bringing in cash. Your numbers don’t lie. Either you’re bringing in cash which means you’re making more than you’re spending, or you need to make some changes. You might need to change your prices, increase your marketing, cut some expenses, or rethink your products and services. Know how much money you want to be making each year. Divide that by 12 and you have your monthly goal. Be smart about where your expenses are going. Will you get a clear benefit from the money you spend? Step #4: Don’t reinvent the wheel. Drew says that he’s always been a big believer in shortcuts. If someone else has already done something that he wants to do, he will model what they’ve done for himself. He doesn’t have to start from scratch – research others in your field, study their companies and model that behavior. Research successful people in general – success is success. Here are some timeless principles of success: For Drew, working with a coach or self and being part of a mastermind group has helped him build a business. This might or might not be the best strategy for you. Decide what is best for you based on your own personal needs, what motivates you, and what conditions will set you up for success. Step #5: Focus, focus, and more focus. A successful business requires intensive labor and focus. You will need to cut out of your life anything that is not moving you in the direction of your vision. Exactly what that is you decide in your own personal life, but anything non-essential has to go. In a corporate job you’re basically paid for putting in hours. As an entrepreneur, it’s all about results. Excellent time management is critical. You may need to build a support system with your spouse or your parents or housecleaner or babysitter or personal assistant. You might want to shop online or use a grocery delivery service. Look at all your current activities to see where you can find some extra time to devote to your business. A lack of time is really a lack of priorities. Revisit your ‘why’ statement, then take another look at your priorities. Make sure you’re focusing on the tasks that are delivering your results. Step #6: Get comfortable with self-promotion. In order to be successful with your product or service, people have to be able to find you. As an entrepreneur, marketing must be your top focus, especially in the beginning. You need to get out there and market yourself based on a solid, well thought out strategy. Marketing and sales is something you do for people – not to people – because you have the answer to their problem. An authentic way to market your business and sell your services is to demonstrate to potential customers that you do care and that you have a solution for them. You can get this point across to potential customers without being pushy. Here’s how Drew phrases it:“Just so you know, I’m here and I have the skills to help you stop struggling and to reach your business and lifestyle goals. So, if it feels right for you and you think that working together would be a good fit, I’d be more than happy to help.” Sounds like the right approach, doesn’t it? Step #7: Done is better than perfect. Drew calls himself a lifelong perfectionist, so he struggles with this one himself all the time. But he’s learned to let go a little because if he didn’t, he would still be in the pre-launch stage. He puts it this way:” Don’t let analysis paralysis hold you back. Just implement, implement, implement.” Take action, then take the next logical step, and continue to make forward momentum every day. If you’d like more on combatting perfectionism, check out this post: Step #8: Fail fast and forward. Sometimes the only way to know what will work and what won’t is through trial and error. Failure is an essential component to success. Successful people know this, and aim to fail quickly. The key is to learn from your mistakes very quickly and make the necessary adjustments. You need to course correct right away either by tweaking your approach or by taking a different route altogether. For instance, if enough people are not signing up for new a program, is it the copywriting that needs improvement? Is your page user-friendly? Do you need to edit your video? Is the pricing off? Nothing is permanent – especially in the online world. You can change things very quickly. As the head of your company, it’s your responsibility to do so and there’s no corporate red tape to cut through.

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Overcome Fears

How to Overcome Your Fears and Step Out With Courage

How to Overcome Your Fears British adventurist Sir Ranulph Fiennes has been called the world’s greatest living explorer. He’s navigated some of the world’s most challenging and inhospitable places on earth including trekking the Antarctic and both North and South Poles, unsupported and on foot. When Fiennes was in his 60’s, he decided to overcome his severe fears of heights by climbing Mt. Everest. On his second attempt, hundreds of feet short of the summit, he suffered severe chest pains, at night, dangling from a rope on a near vertical ice wall at 29,000 feet. Frozen and in pain, he turned around and somehow managed to descend. He lived to tell the tale, running a marathon a mere 16 weeks after his near fatal heart attack. When it comes to facing your fears how daring are you? Do you turn tail and head in the opposite direction? Do you waver and hope the feeling passes? Or, do you, like Fiennes, stand firm and always face your fears head on? Picture what your life would look like if you consistently faced off against your fears, both big and small, with the fearlessness of someone like Sir Ranulph Fiennes. What would it feel like to boldly stare down and confront your fears, never letting them interfere with what you want to accomplish? Imagine what you could achieve if you never again let fear get in your way. The truth is, the closest most of us will get to scaling Mt. Everest is flying past it en route to a comfortable vacation destination. But there is good news; you don’t have to be an adrenaline junkie, risking life and limb, to be fearless. Life offers plenty of everyday opportunities for us to face our fears. Whether it’s asking your crush out on a date, speaking in public, or asking for a raise, no fear is too big or too small to challenge – and we all have within us the potential to be fearless. The first step to overcome your fears and become more fearless begins with understanding fear. What it is, what scares us (and why), and how fear holds us back from living a full and fulfilling life. Once we gain some insight into our fears, fearlessness can become second nature. If you want to be more fearless, more often, let’s start by exploring what scares you. “Don’t be afraid of your fears. They’re not there to scare you. They’re there to let you know that something is worth it.” C. JoyBell C. We all know what fear feels like – dread, tension, difficulty breathing, rapid heartbeat, sweating, racing thoughts, and ‘butterflies’ are just a few of the feelings we associate with fear. It’s no wonder so many of us choose, one way or another, to sidestep our fears. After all, who wants to feel those uncomfortable feelings? What if these fears aren’t designed just to scare you? What if, instead, your fears were a doorway into new and exciting prospects? Could fear be an opportunity for personal growth in disguise? What is Fear? The word ‘fear’ derives from the Old English word faer, meaning sudden attack, peril, or danger. Simply put, fear is an emotional response to a perceived threat. It’s primitive, powerful and universal. Fear is like an internal alarm, it’s design warns us and protects us from danger. There are two types of fear responses: biochemical and emotional. Biochemical Fear is a natural emotion resulting from a perceived threat and its design makes us more alert and responsive as a way to survive. When this happens, our bodies respond in specific ways such as sweating, increased heart rate, increased awareness, and high adrenaline levels. This state of fear is often referred to as a “fight or flight” response. Emotional Fear differs from person to person. Because fear involves some of the same chemical responses in our brains similar to happiness and excitement, feeling fear under certain circumstances can be seen as fun. For example, the fears you experience with watching a scary movie, riding on a roller coaster, or venturing into extreme sports, create emotional fear. Some people like emotional fear, however, there are others who have negative reactions to emotional fear and try to avoid fear-inducing situations all together. Although the physical reaction is the same, this type of fear may be perceived as either positive or negative, depending on the person’s perspective. What are We Afraid of? While most of us aren’t facing the same threats our ancestors did, we still face threats in our day-to-day lives that cause us stress. What are we so afraid of? Quite a lot, as it turns out. Public speaking, flying, and death are often touted as the things we fear the most and, while those fears are real, our dread go much deeper and wider than a potential bruised ego, gravity, and our inevitable demise. According to The Chapman University Survey on American Fears, our biggest fears of 2018 include: government corruption, the state of the environment, danger befalling loved ones, and personal finances. Fears that didn’t crack the top 10? Public speaking (#59), death (#54), and flying (#82). Regardless of ranking, the survey suggests there is no shortage of fears to keep us up at night. The survey also suggests more people than ever are afraid, and fear, in general, is on the rise. All this dread is having a significant negative impact on our lives. For example, fear can make us; hesitate, procrastinate, experience creative blocks, and be averse to risk, all of which can lead to low accomplishment. That can cause stress. That stress can lead to cognitive impairment, an increased risk of heart disease, premature aging, relationship conflicts, depression, and more – and a cycle of fear is born. That cycle can leave us feeling like we’re just going through the motions of life without really living. “My life has been filled with terrible misfortune most of which never happened.” –Michel de Montaigne Putting

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8 Important Tasks for One Person Marketing Teams

You could easily succeed if you had a dedicated team, a million-dollar marketing budget, and 48 hours in a day. But that’s not how real life works. Especially for a new entrepreneur or one-person marketing team. It’s easy to get into the “if only” mindset when you’re the only employee/marketer at your company. But if you want to grow your business, it’s important to get solution-oriented. Try to focus on getting the biggest ROI from every marketing activity you have the time and resources to execute. To help you out – I’ve compiled eight incredibly important marketing activities that a one-man or one-woman team can execute that will start moving key metrics. No more dilly dallying around with things that don’t move the needle. 1) Set strategic and measurable marketing goals. Before you start posting, sending emails or scheduling tweets, be sure you’ve properly set goals for your marketing. Think of your marketing like a road trip. You wouldn’t start driving until you’ve found your destination, and mapped out the most effective route to get there. In the same way, you should always make sure your activities and goals help you drive your business forward. You wouldn’t want a goal of converting more leads into customers if you aren’t converting visitors into leads already. You can’t pull people through the funnel until you’ve gotten them there in the first place. And of course, ensure the goals you set are measurable. For instance, if your goal is to increase visitor-to-lead conversion rate, think about whether you have the tools in place to measure whether you’re doing that. If you need help determining which goals are right for your business, check out my guide to setting SMART goals. 2) Establish exactly who your target audience is. With only so much time in the day to devote to marketing, you want to make sure that every piece of content you produce (ebook, landing page, blog post, or email) is on-target and effective. Wouldn’t it be frustrating to spend a ton of time creating content that falls on deaf ears? The best way to guard against wasting your time creating content is to create and use buyer personas/ideal client/customer avatar/etc. If you’re not familiar with buyer personas, they’re models for what your ideal customers are like. A persona includes information such as what sort of person they are (education, income level, or job, for example) as well as what’s important to them (saving time or money, for example). If you haven’t developed them yet, or you think you could put a little more elbow grease into ones you already have, here’s a free checklist to help you nail down your market research and target audience. If you put together buyer personas now, and then create every piece of content with a persona in mind, your content will work harder for you — in fact, you may find persona-driven content results in your audience marketing your content for you! 3) Focus on the right social media platforms. Now that we have some important baselines established that will make your subsequent marketing efforts pack a more powerful punch, let’s figure out the right places to spend your time (so it’s not wasted in the wrong ones). And if there’s one area rife with opportunities for misspent time, it’s on social media. It’s tempting to try to be on all of the social media platforms because everyone else is doing it, and it feels like that’s what good marketers do. Fortunately for you, they are most definitely wrong. Instead of wasting your time engaging on social networks that won’t help you achieve your SMART goals, strategically choose one or two platforms to be on and knock them out of the park. To find out which social networks you should spend your time on, check out your analytics. In your sources report Identify which social networks are already sending you the most traffic, and then capitalize on them. If you have closed-loop analytics, I also recommend drilling down further to see which networks are sending you the most leads and customers. Have access to all of this information will help you make better decisions on which social networks you spend your marketing time. You may find that a top social network for you isn’t Facebook or Twitter, but rather a niche social network specific to your industry. Instead of wasting time on a big social network because it’s something you’re just “supposed” to do, switch your efforts to social networks that will pay off big time for your business. 4) Schedule out social media posts/updates. Now that you know where to spend your time on social media, let’s make your time spent on it both efficient, and effective. First, let’s talk about scheduling your content in advance. Instead of freaking out every day trying to find something amazing to post to social media, sit down once a week to think of all of the subsequent week’s social media content. While you may have a couple things come up that warrant posting – like breaking industry news, for example – bucketing your time like this will make you more efficient. (platform itself, buffer, later, hootsuite, etc.) Alright, now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s make your time on social media more effective by thinking about the best times of day to publish your content. I encourage you to look for timing trends for your own social media presences. 5) Create evergreen content to reap short and long term benefits. Since content creation can get pretty time consuming, focus on creating evergreen content – content that stays relevant over a long period of time — to pack the biggest punch. This type of content pays for itself over and over again. Because it’s not time-sensitive, search engines will continue to drive traffic to evergreen posts, helping to drive leads long after you hit publish. If you’re having trouble finding an evergreen topic to write about on your company’s

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Inner Critic Blog Post

Master Your Inner Critic to Be Successful

Our inner critic says, we get told the world is the way is and you just have to live your life inside that world as best you can. Try not to bash into the walls too much. Try to have a nice family, have fun, save a little money. Don’t step on toes, don’t be too cocky. That’s a very limited life. Life can be much broader once you discover one simple fact: Everything around you that you call ‘life’ was made up by people that were relatively no smarter than you. So, if you want to change something in your world… you can change it, you can influence it, you can build your own things that other people can use too. You are more useful than you know. Once you learn that, you’ll never be the same again. This is the advice I learned from Steve Jobs. You know that billionaire guy with the Apple fetish? He rocked. And more than that, he knew he did. That was the biggest secret to his success on and offline – like you, he initially thought ‘I don’t want a job. I want to be an entrepreneur’. Most of us end there and then let self-doubt cloud any potential of getting any further. We make a few bucks, we live pretty comfortable and we dream realistically. We see the obstacles. But obstacles don’t stop us from going further, as we may think – it is actually how resourceful we are in dealing with them. We can’t let a few trials dictate to us where our ceiling of success is. And while being safe instead of bold is a good strategy if you like this life… there is no harm in a little self-love. It is this that creates the boldness, and ultimately the desired results. If you wonder what being bold has to do with being successful or you think that talking about self-love is a little too ‘new-agey’… then let’s get scientific. 55% of all of our communication (that is how we present ourselves to the world) is not what we say or the words we decide to use. It is our body language. It is what we do with our face and our tone. The words you say are a side note. And so, it is essential to believe in yourself each day before you ever set foot online thinking you’re going to make a million because – heck – if you don’t believe it and you are not congruent, not one customer is going to believe that you’re the one to solve all their problems either. So next time your inner critic says ‘I don’t want to sell myself’ or ‘I’m not sure people will like my product’ or ‘Am I charging/asking too much?’, make sure that the answer to that is in line with how much you value yourself. Be the value and people will pick up on it. Tell yourself you have lots to offer and that you can do it. And why not… many people talk to themselves negatively all day long and have nothing to show for it. So why not try looking at things differently? I’ll say it one last time… you want to succeed. Do it from the inside out – believe you can first. Don’t let your inner critic run the show. Believe you are worth that money. It is from a place of fear and worry that most people never pick up that phone and call when they should, most people never ask for what they want (at the price they want) when they know they should. That’s what separates the people that do things from the people who just dream about them. It’s up to you to take action. You must be willing to fail. You’ve got to be willing to crash and burn. And when it is all done and it’s time to get up, it’s not your legs that will lift you… it’ll be your self-belief, not your inner critic. Take a deep breath and say it out loud – “I am worth it!” Now get to work.

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Focus is the most powerful magnet for success

Focus on The Most Powerful Magnet for Success (or Failure)

“You can’t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.” ~ Mark Twain Remember old fashioned cameras (or any that weren’t in your phone)? They had intricate lenses you had to focus by hand. The process was very precise and technical and your results were 100% determined by… …what you focused on. If you didn’t get the results you wanted, it was because the lens wasn’t focused properly. One little tic to the right or left and you would’ve had the perfect shot. Right? The good news about that is that you had the power to shift the focus (and the result) of the image. Today I’d like to explore something that you can do, just like shifting the focus point on a camera… …to shift the results of your life. We all want the “tack sharp” beautiful, abundant, fulfilling life of our daydreams, right? Here’s how you get it: Focus ​​As many coaches and inspirational leaders so often say: “What you focus on determines your results.” And they are right. I’ve been using this principle in my life, very successfully, for decades. And I’ve seen it happen with other people, over and over again, with terrific results. In order to get what you want in life… …you must focus your mind toward what you want, and away from what you don’t want. Your brain is a very powerful magnet – and it operates like a search engine. It acts like a heat-seeking missile, drawing to you whatever it is you are focusing on. And the more energy, vibrancy, and passion you conjure up in your imagination… …the harder your brain works to make those thoughts your reality. Whatever you focus on most – the failure or the success, the love or the betrayal, the win or the loss – the more situations, people and resources you will attract to make the object of your focus a reality. The Science of Focus This isn’t just woo-woo, pie-in-the-sky thinking. There are scientific reasons and countless studies that prove this out. Your brain has a mechanism called the Reticular Activating System (RAS). The (RAS) is a bundle of nerves at your brainstem that filters out unnecessary information so the important stuff gets through. The RAS is the reason you learn a new word and then start hearing it everywhere. This is why you can tune out a crowd full of talking people, yet immediately snap to attention when someone says your name or something that at least sounds like it. It’s the reason you see BMWs everywhere, the moment you decide to buy a BMW. It’s why red flags go up when you sense something isn’t on the up-and-up. Or why you trip on the same pothole every time. It’s also the reason – if you focus too often on how hard something is – your brain automatically leaps to the obstacles and not the solutions. In effect…it attracts the obstacles, rather than the solutions. Training Your Brain As you can see, it’s very important that your mind leans toward what you want, toward resourceful thoughts and feelings that serve you, and away from those that quietly sabotage you. Bear in mind, “positive thinking” isn’t automatic or easy. It doesn’t come to us naturally. And there’s a scientific reason for that… In case you’re feeling bad about yourself for being “negative” too often. Our brain, since caveman days, had to be alert to potential dangers in order to survive. We evolved as a species by being highly aware of our surroundings. We were ingrained, for our very survival, to focus on the potentially negative… …to spend time, energy, and resources on potential dangers. This is why it’s so easy, so automatic, to focus on the negative things that may – or may not – happen in our lives. But this habit can be changed. You can retrain your brain, and make positive, resourceful thoughts and feelings become your automatic response. A side note: Don’t feel bad when you find yourself traveling down a dark tunnel of fears, doubts, and “what-ifs”. Your brain is pre-wired that way. But you can retrain your brain to lean in a new direction…toward the resourceful thoughts that serve you, instead of those that ultimately sabotage you. Keep using your Holosync, and be on the alert for negative thoughts and feelings. As soon as you recognize them, flip them over. Find the opposite feelings, the positive results, the great outcomes…and aim your brain on those things instead. You will find – with that same powerful magnet known as your brain that you’re automatically attracting good, abundant and beautiful things into your life.

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Finding Confidence to embrace life's big decisions

Finding Confidence To Embrace Life’s Big Decisions & Overcome Fear of…

Confidence comes from a latin word affīdāre which means “to trust oneself”; therefore, finding confidence is just having more trust in one’s self and fear of failure. Confidence is a state of being clear headed either that a hypothesis is correct or that a chosen course of action is the best or most effective. I talk to a lot of sales professionals and entrepreneurs, people starting their own businesses, and they want to learn: “How can I develop more confidence or even just get myself a bit more confident so that I can be more successful in what I do?” In order to make this happen, we have to realize where confidence comes from and what finding confidence means. Finding confidence is basically your ability to take action and feel good about yourself and the results of the action. Feeling like whatever it is you’re about to jump into, you can do a good job and you can come out of it looking and feeling good. Now, this doesn’t happen by accident. When you look at the way confidence shows up in our lives, it appears as a result of doing things over and over again and developing a proficiency from it. Confidence, in and of itself, is not something that you’re born with or not born with. It’s something that’s developed over time through practice and repetition. When you first learned to walk, at 12 or 13-months old or whatever it may be for you; you weren’t very confident at walking. In fact, you couldn’t walk at all. But you were determined to try, and determined to succeed. You stood on the side of the sofa and you pushed yourself off and you would fall. You would try it again and you would maybe balance for a bit and then fall. But you would do it over and over again.   Your level of confidence in the beginning was tiny. In fact, there probably was no confidence. But you were so determined to do it, that you kept going regardless of the outcome. Eventually you took a step, you followed that with another step, and soon enough you were walking and now you’re an adult and you can walk from one room to another, you can walk for miles as an exercise or whatever, and not even think about the act of walking. It’s just something that comes naturally to you now. If someone were to ask you your level of confidence on a scale of 0 to 10, how confident you are that you could walk across the room, you’d probably say 11. It isn’t even something that you ever think to question…You just do it. The same thing goes for finding confidence in all areas of life – including your professional life. Let’s say your success right now requires your ability to sell. Doesn’t matter what it is. To sell a product, to sell an idea, to sell a service, sell a training program. I don’t know what it is for you. You might not be confident in your ability to communicate value in a way that exceeds the expense and closes a deal. So the important question becomes, how are you going to find that confidence?  You weren’t born with it. Thinking about yourself going into a situation where you might have to sell somebody, makes you nervous or self-conscious. How do you get to a point where you’re confident in doing it no matter what you are selling? First, it’s natural to feel fear whenever you are stepping out of your comfort zone…it’s a biological response we have maintained from our “caveman brains”. Luckily there are many other, more evolved portions of our brain we can counter it with. So, the next time you’re feeling fearful, just try to put it into perspective. Recognize that fear is only a feeling, a chemical response to a thought. Fear can feel very, very real. But it’s only an emotion that survives and thrives when we feed it with our attention. The first step in mastering your fear of taking massive action is to remember to tell yourself that fear isn’t real – that it’s only a feeling that can’t hurt actually you. Remember, everyone experiences fear Everyone experiences fear before they try something new. Think Tony Robbins hasn’t experienced fear of failure? Sure he has, and I’m sure he would tell you that himself. Everyone has experienced fear of failure, the fear of looking like a fool, the fear of losing friends, the fear of being judged, a fear of being called an imposter, the fear of ending up worse than when you started, whatever it may be. In fact, statistics show that a whopping 85% of the population has some form of self-doubt. When a moment of panic comes over you, image your role model and remember that they too have experienced fear. But they moved through it anyway. Sometimes you’ll just have to do it afraid. Do it anyway. Take the first small step We’ve all heard Newton’s 1st Law of Motion: A body at rest tends to stay at rest, while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. Notice that feeling of fear, and then take that first small step in spite of it. Fear is a natural and required part of the process. Accept your ability to work through fear and do it anyway. You’ll learn from it and you’ll make mistakes and you’ll fall on your face, just like you fell when you were first learning how to walk. But you do this once and you’ll get a little bit of feedback, and you’ll get a little bit of insight.  Maybe you can even find a manager or mentor to review your work and see a couple of things that you could improve on in the future. This is incredibly valuable feedback. Go to the next project, make the corrections, make a little bit of an improvement, and you will increase your confidence. Maybe you don’t close the sale, but you go to

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Who is REAL YOU?

Does Anyone Know Who The REAL YOU Is Online?

There’s thousands of individuals and companies marketing themselves out there – and you are one of them… So, here is my question for the day: Who are you? Because as you can see, when you search through products, people, and services online – mediocrity and conformity is already 99% of everyone else’s day. Not to sound harsh, but most people just follow what is trending or what is hot, and while that may be an awesome way to make some quick money – regarding a long-term and life purpose – it is not exactly fulfilling, is it? It is just a means to an end if we think about it that way, and not sustainable. But you probably started online to make money – that is a given. You also probably wanted to have the flexibility and freedom it brings. Internet marketing has great potential to earn a large amount of money in a short amount of time. It’s a great way to learn. Most times, it is easier than your best friend’s 9-5 job, isn’t it? However, when we skip from one affiliate product to another or try to promote several things aimlessly with no real long-term vision or lifestyle design goals, we are not really building a future for ourselves overall… And as human beings, our long-term goal always stretches beyond money. In fact, as we get older, it is much more about – How can you serve and add value? How can you discover your life’s purpose? What really makes you happy? Who are you? The most difficult part in life is to really discover who you are (you: not the kid of your parents, not the wife of your husband, not the student in school, not what society thinks about you or expects from you, etc.). Once we go away and discover the answer to that – to what we really want from life, we can then apply our knowledge of who we really are to what we really enjoy doing – and in marketing terms – that can also bring money to the table. That’s where the start is. Trust me: Do what you love and what adds value in your personal opinion –and the money will follow. Picking a job or service or product is not the first thing you need to do – not yet anyway. Discovering yourself is the starting point. There is nothing before that point. The only other thing is what others are and what your position is in THEIR circles – not what your position is in YOUR life. Take a break and make a list. List all of the things you loved as a child that you have forgotten about, but still like doing. Then name five strengths you have in business and by nature. Also list five weaknesses. After a while, you will start to see a pattern – things you are good at and that you can offer. There is a reason you have the specific skills that you do; you are unique in these delivery skills and traits. Focus on what you LOVE to do and what you are good at and live from that end first before you decide what path to take. You are here for a reason. What is it? Who are you really? “You did not come into this world; you came out of it. Like a wave from the ocean. You are not a stranger here.” – Alan Watts

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